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10 Mistakes Often Made When Playing Mobile Legends (Part 2)

10 Mistakes Often Made When Playing Mobile Legends – Part 2. Before you continue reading this article, it is recommended that you read it first article part 1.

Continue to part 2, there are 5 more mistakes (part 1 there are 5 mistakes) that are often made by Mobile Legends players and here are 5 mistakes.

6. Directly Choosing a Non Priority Hero First

Error Playing Mobile Legends

There are still many who don’t understand the list of hero tier in each META. There is a hero who is on META once so it must be on prioritize when drafting. One of them who is currently on META are Roger, Uranus, Esmeralda and Ruby.

But especially in the EPIC tier, most of them choose what heroes they want, not what is on META like Lesley and Aldous. Actually it’s okay if you are an expert with that hero. But it’s good to let your team choose heroes that are more priority because otherwise your opponent will take them.

Therefore, you must be able to read META heroes from tournaments such as MPL Indonesia and know hero counters to counter enemy picks. One easy way to find out which hero is on META or not, you can check here.

7. Not Considering Team Hero Composition

According to SPIN Esports’ observations, this is often done at Legend tiers and below (Legend also often makes this mistake). Many Mobile Legends players in the Legend tier and below do not see the team composition.

Imagine if you have 2 assassins or 2 Marksman in 1 team so that the gold needed by the team is very large and “sacrifices” each other. Even worse, sometimes these 2 assassins are picked even though the team doesn’t have a very important support hero in the early to mid game.

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So when you want to pick, think about it first what roles are lacking In this team, if no one wants to choose a tank or support, then you do it so that the team composition is balanced. These tips are very important for those of you who want to move up to the Mythic rank in Season 18.

ALSO READ: 5 Best and Hurtless Hero Assassins in Mobile Legends in Season 18

8. Tank or Support Follows Carry Without Doing Anything

Error Playing Mobile Legends

This is one of the most common Mobile Legends mistakes in Season 18.

This is dangerous if you are a tank or support role and follow your carry for the same reason not important, only follow-up carry when clearing minions or jungle monsters.

You should not do this again for several reasons:

  • You can’t roam and help your sidelaner push the turret or kill
  • You make the core hero kill the jungle longer. Because there is a new update where the hero jungle will get thicker if there are many heroes that hit them
  • The movement patterns of your team will be easier for the enemy to spot so that the enemy team can freely kill the Turtle or your team’s side lane gank.
  • Don’t open the map by checking the bush and instead make your core hero easy to gang up on your opponent

For tips when core buffs. For tanks only need to help cores when the core HP is low. For support, you only need to throw skills to help damage then you can leave your core buffing alone. Remember as support is very important for you to do roaming.

9. Not Using the Grass Well

Even though you use hero carry, it doesn’t mean you have to show yourself continuously on the map. In fact, your opponent will feel more secure if your heroes are often seen on the mini map.

As much as possible for tank and support roles, don’t often appear on the lane. You can hide first in the grass while waiting for your tank or teammate to open the war and then you enter the war.

Tank or support too no need to assist the carry for the minion clearing and can hide in the grass to do a surprise attack or do a counter gank if an enemy is targeting the carry.

10. Not Playing Objectively

The Mobile Legends game requires us to destroy enemy base to win, not a lot of kills. If you have won in the early game from the number of items, then you have to play objectively.

Gank or kill the opponent’s hero can also be counted as an objective, as long as you immediately exploit this situation by doing things such as pushing the turret, nge turtle / lord, and steal buff your opponent.

Don’t keep farming because the enemy will also farm and at least be able to make a comeback because you are given space. When you play objectively, you can also play the enemy jungle mastered.

It is very important to be able to restrain your opponent from staying at the base for fear of coming out and being killed by you. From here the enemy cannot farm and they will be far less poor. How to curb the enemy?

  • Push the turret until it runs out (the enemy map will be very dark)
  • Invasion of the enemy’s jungle area, often doing begging in the bush area near the buff
  • Tanks and sidelaners can frighten enemies without opening war in front of their base, so that the core can freely find Lord.

So let’s not let these Mobile Legends mistakes continue to do. Let’s digest this guide carefully and implement it into your gameplay!

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