5 Zilong MLBB Counter Heroes, You Don't Need to Be Afraid of Their Opponents!
5 Zilong MLBB Counter Heroes, You Don’t Need to Be Afraid of Their Opponents!
Zilong has been picked up again in Mobile Legends (ML) recently because of a recently used revamp. Actually the revamp doesn’t change Zilong’s skills too much, but the little additions turn out to have an impact on performance that makes Zilong appear better.
Usually Zilong is only used as a push turret hero, but now sometimes Zilong is also believed to be a jungler because of the revamp. Zilong is now also frequently picked because he is an effective counter hero against meta Marksman (MM) in Season 19.
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Trouble fighting Zilong? You can counter Zilong with the following 5 heroes.
Benedetta’s 2nd skill is an anti-CC immune skill and damage when used when the opponent’s CC skill enters. Zilong is a hero who chases the opponent with the ultimate and digs it with skill 1 so that the opponent cannot run.
So with Benedetta you can easily dodge the 1 Zilong skill as long as you squeeze it at the right time. Then you just have to turn around to kill Zilong because he doesn’t have CC skills.
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The ease with which Jawhead counters Zilong with his Ejector (Skill 2), not to mention the Smart Missile (skill 1) makes Zilong more powerless against Jawhead.

Sun has the advantage in close combat. With the many shadows that Sun has, it will also be very strong with a heavy lifesteal. Zilong who is a single target assassin will be confused because he doesn’t know which real Sun is.
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Ruby is a hero who has 2 CC skills at once. Zilong’s main weakness is CC so he can’t auto attack his opponent. So when Zilong tries to get into the team fight you don’t use skill 2 and the ultimate from Ruby to make Zilong stay where he is.

Just like Benedetta, Chou’s 2nd skill named Shunpo will make him immune to crowd control (CC) when making a dash. So as Chou you just have to predict when Zilong will use skill 1.
After that Chou can easily pull back with his Ultimate Way of Dragon skill and combo skill 1 to make Zilong move.
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That’s the Zilong MLBB hero counter in season 19. If there are other heroes in your opinion, you can write them in the comments column, Spinners
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