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Anthem Has a Bug That Makes PS4 Owner Parno

Anthem is one of the titles that gets quite a high interest from the public gamer. Developed by BioWare, nuanced game open world it delivers stunning high-level actions. Unfortunately, after being released on February 22, reports emerged stating that games it causes various problems. Mainly the PS4 version, where a number of user said that Anthem often makes console they just “died”!

Through the Reddit site, the owner of the username ForTheMasters said that twice his PS4 died suddenly, while trying to do this matchmake. However, according to his confession, error consequence games others just make the game stop, and the display returns to the main menu or dashboard.

The report was approved by a number of gamer another, and mentions that the PS4 diagnosed it as shut down which is not perfect. But some individuals, like TheMadTitanGauntlet, report that their console won’t even turn on because of Anthem!

Apparently, the problems caused by Anthem don’t just happen to PS4, but also platform Others are PC and Xbox One. A number of Xbox One X and S owners reported that games experienced various problems, such as a decrease in framerate until crash.

While on PC, some user must buy power supply only after his computer experienced crash, and continue to experience boot loop! It is not known if the problem is heat related, or if there are other causes.

Electronic Arts as publisher, via Twitter account EA Help, asking PS4 owners to report problems crash what he experienced. They hope that through the reports that are collected, BioWare can find a way to deal with it as quickly as possible.

Surprisingly, Sony is rumored to provide refund for consumers who have purchased Anthem, if they report it! This information also appears from a number of user on Reddit, which states Sony provides services refund with a fast process. Is that a sign that Sony is aware of Anthem’s “defect”? [Aseek]

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