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[Guide] Best Tips For Defeating Every Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter Rise

It is common knowledge for any Monster Hunter player that Elder Dragon was an opponent that could never be underestimated. They are included in the ranks of top-class monsters who have the strongest combat power, coupled with their own uniqueness that makes each monster has its own difficult challenges that can be very draining. Monster Hunter Rise is no exception, where this game has three Elder Dragons in its latest update.

We may not be veteran players who can defeat these evil monsters even with a blind eye, but at least we’ve gained valuable experience over the last few days to defeat them. So in this article we decided to summarize the best tips that you can pay attention to if you are having trouble fighting the Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter Rise. Instead of lingering, check out the full summary below!


Let's start with the first Elder Dragon, the Wind Serpent - Ibushi.  This monster appears in one of the Rampage missions that you can access in the Quest Hub when you reach HR 7.

Let’s start with the first Elder Dragon, the Wind Serpent – ​​Ibushi. This monster appears in one of the Rampage missions that you can access in the Quest Hub when you reach HR 7. Because it is included in the Rampage mission, then you and your squad will be equipped with access to fort weapons that can deal higher damage and are on target, especially because Ibushi often flew in the air so it would be difficult to attack him head-on.

We have to admit that this Elder Dragon is actually not that difficult, especially when compared to Apex Arzuros or Rathian who are much more aggressive. It’s just that the characters we play are always defeated easily when hit by the Dragon’s Corkscrew combo attack. This attack can make your character lose momentum which will then be followed by another powerful attack. So as long as you can keep your distance and use Counter Signal effectively, Ibushi is not an opponent to be afraid of.

In addition, this monster also has a weak point in the Windsac that can be your main focus when fighting it (special organs used for flight, usually located on the back and tail).


Different from his partner Ibushi, this monster named Thunder Serpent - Narwa ended up being a more difficult challenge for us.

Different from his partner Ibushi, this monster named Thunder Serpent – ​​Narwa ended up being a more difficult challenge for us. The factor that makes the monsters more difficult for us may be the stun effect of Thunderblight which can often be felt, so make sure to always bring enough Nullberry stock before starting a hunting mission. Some of the movesets owned by Narwa are still identical to Ibushi, except that some of them can provide lightning attacks which are quite troublesome to anticipate.

The best tip we can give against Narwa is to focus on attacking his weak points in the Thundersac section. Just like Ibushi, this is a special organ that this Elder Dragon has to store its electrical energy, but on the other hand it can also be its biggest weakness when it gets a strong hit. Along the course of the battle there is a platform section that appears where you can use artillery in the form of Ballistas and Cannons that can provide extra high damage, not to mention the Dragonator on the rocks of Coral Palace.

The point is as much as possible to keep your distance and take advantage of the moment when your weak point is seen to launch an attack. Don’t forget to bring enough Nullberry stock if you don’t want your character to be an easy target.


The Elder Dragon, which was introduced for the first time in Monster Hunter 2, is probably the easiest of all the monsters on this list, at least for us.

The Elder Dragon, which was introduced for the first time in Monster Hunter 2, is probably the easiest of all the monsters on this list, at least for us. The strongest reason is because Chameleos has no elemental attacks and has a weak point that is easy to attack, which is precisely on the head. Like a chameleon, this monster can also disguise itself with the environment so you will find it difficult to read its position. But this special ability of the Elder Dragon isn’t even perfect, because you can use Elemental Blight which can illuminate its body or use the Target Camera which will always follow the monster even though it has disappeared.

Overall they are not that strong and have many weaknesses, it’s just that there are often situations where we are defeated because the attack power of the monsters is still very high as an Elder Dragon. Not to mention that this monster has a variety of special attacks that can poison your character, so make sure to stock up on Antidote before you’re ready to fight it.

Kushala Daora

The next monster that comes with Update 2.0 in Monster Hunter Rise is Kushala Daora.  This monster, which was also first introduced in Monster Hunter 2, is indeed quite tough and is still very difficult for us to fight.

The next monster that comes with Update 2.0 in Monster Hunter Rise is Kushala Daora. This monster, which was also first introduced in Monster Hunter 2, is indeed quite tough and is still very difficult for us to fight. First, the reason is because this monster has a strong defense with thick scales which is only effective to be penetrated with blunt attack type weapons. Because we happen to be Light Bowgun and Dual Blade users, getting used to using more effective weapons has become a challenge in itself.

While the next reason is because Kushola can execute a tornado attack combo that always makes our characters die in one attack. It will take some time to get used to Kushola’s attack patterns, but if you can anticipate it, then the battle will not be as difficult as you think. The point is to always keep your distance, anticipate his tornado attacks, and take advantage of the gaps in his head, neck and legs. It will also be better if you use Thunder elemental attacks which is the main weakness of this monster.


Careful preparation is everything before fighting Teostra, and we mean mature also includes the armor set used as much as possible to have Fire Resistance.  This is because Teostra has a wide variety of attacks that use strong fire elements and can crush your character in an instant if not accompanied by strong defenses.

We purposely put the Teostra in last position because, yes, this monster is really hard to fight. Without a doubt we were even able to match the difficulty level with Almudron, which is like in previous article we place it at the top of the ranking as the hardest monster in Monster Hunter Rise. Careful preparation is everything before fighting Teostra, and we mean mature also includes the armor set used as much as possible to have Fire Resistance. This is because Teostra has a wide variety of attacks that use strong fire elements and can crush your character in an instant if not accompanied by strong defenses.

Not only that, the attack pattern of this monster is also very fast, aggressive and hard to read. Not to mention the attack power is very high, even for the weakest attack category. This is one of the monsters that we haven’t been able to defeat on our own, until we finally asked a friend for help who had reached HR 71, and even then it was still accompanied by a fierce hunting mission.

Because of this we can’t give really accurate tips other than familiarizing yourself with the attack patterns. Teostra is more often on land, so as long as you can anticipate his attacks, then always take advantage of open windows to counter attacks. And as we mentioned above, as much as possible also use a set of armor with Fire Resistance to reduce the attack of the very strong fire element.

Well, that’s a summary of the best tips for defeating the Elder Dragon in Monster Hunter Rise. If you have different opinions or tips, don’t hesitate to fill them in the comments column below, OK!

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Monster Hunter Rise

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Release Date: 2021-03-26

Nintendo Switch, PC

Monster Hunter Rise is the latest game series in the franchise that carries a distinctive Japanese theme. Apart from the presence of cool new monsters, this game introduces a new, more responsive gameplay system with Wire Bug.

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