Apex Legends Profits Are Growing!
It’s now the fourth month of the battle royale game from Respawn, namely Apex Legends are on the market. When it was just released, Apex Legends which was also a free-to-play game and broke several records and looked like a battle royale game that was about to take over the throne.
Unfortunately, now it seems that the momentum or fire that burned Apex Legends has started to wane, because according to SuperData Research their revenue has dropped for the second month in a row.
As of April 2021, the game has raised USD$24 million, which may seem like a lot to some; but for a little comparison, this is only 1/4 of their profit in launch month. This shows Apex Legends is unable to keep up with the crowd’s high reach.
It seems that Respawn failed to please Apex Legends fans. Several bugs and glitches often interfere with the experience of this game when hackers are also scattered and rampant in the lobby.
One of the other downsides to this game is the lack of quality add-ons. For the first season of the season pass, they only gave one normal battle pass and a new Legend. Neither weapons nor new maps are visible.
In general, the lifespan of games in the battle royale genre is indeed unpredictable, but Apex Legends’ slump is still surprising. It is hoped that Respawn will be able to recall their players with the appearance of the second season around June.
Source: dotesport.com
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