Call of Duty Mobile's Free-For-All Mode Is Coming For A Limited Time!

For those of you who have played before Call of Duty on a console or PC, maybe you are already familiar with the legendary game mode Free-For-All. This legendary mode turned out to be present in the Mobile version of the Call of Duty game on October 11, 2021. Present as the first additional content, unfortunately Free-For-All you will only be able to play for a very limited time, from October 11 to October 17, 2021.
If this is Free-For-All For your first time, this mode usually features up to eight players all engaging in combat without any of them. This means, each player will stand alone and for the player who manages to kill up to a certain number (usually 30), that player wins the match.
Free-For-All is the first of many game modes or features that will be coming to Call of Duty Mobile. Including one of them is the Zombie mode which will have a separate mode like the next game. But unfortunately it is not known exactly when this Zombie mode can be enjoyed by players. But according to Gamexran, fashion Free-For-Play this is good for attracting new players because this is the original mode of the Call of Duty game that new players must experience.
Although Free-For-All is available for a limited time in Call of Duty Mobile, but hopefully this mode runs smoothly and is in demand by players so that it will become a permanent mode that can be played at any time.
So that you don’t miss news about the Call of Duty Mobile game update, you can check the following link.
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