Can I Buy Mobile Legend Skins in Installments?

Having a good skin and making many people jealous of us, is indeed a value of its own satisfaction in playing the Mobile Legend game. There are various kinds of skins that players can get, starting from Normal, Elite, Epic, and Legend skins. To get these skins, of course, players have to reach into their pockets for 75 thousand to 3 million rupiah.
With the size of the price, of course, many players find it difficult to have a skin because the price is quite expensive. In response to this, Moonton finally provided a solution for those who wanted to get a Mobile Legend skin but were hindered by the funding factor.
Named Installation Plan, players will be able to buy Mobile Legend skins with an installment system. for example, you bought Hanabi’s skin for 60 diamonds, even though the original price was 599 diamonds. Now the installment is, the 60 diamonds that you spend are valid for one week, the next week or the second week you have to pay 89 diamonds which is valid for the next week. And so on until the installment of 599 diamonds is complete. If you can’t pay the following week, Moonton will withdraw the skin.
What do you think? Can this installment system help players get their dream skin? Comment on that yes.
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