Here's the New Weapon Appearance in Apex Legends - Havoc!
Can be an assault rifle and also a sniper.
After teasing the players, finally today Apex Legends actually got a new weapon named Havoc. Havoc is a weapon that uses energy ammo as ammunition. In addition, the Havoc can also be considered a multifunctional weapon because it can be used as a weapon assault rifle or as sniper rifle, depends attachments used.
Unlike other weapons in Apex Legends, Havoc can be used attachments More than one hop-up. If you pair Selectfire Receiver Hop-Up, then this weapon gets an additional ability, namely mode charge beam. Basically this mode works like sniper rifle. Players can also change it from mode charge beam to fashion auto fire, vice versa. Basically you can use Havoc as a assault rifle or sniper rifle according to your needs and style of play. Of course you have to first pair attachments Selectfire Receiver.
You can play Apex Legends for free on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
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