Resident Evil 7 Relationship With Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil 7 Relationship With Resident Evil Village – Have you finished playing Re Village? This is the relationship between Resident Evil 7 Biohazard and Resident Evil Village.
The Resident Evil series is indeed famous for the story relationship between one series and another. As usual, this storyline relationship will regress to the previous series. This is also what happened in the Resident Evil Village series.
If you have watched or finished playing Resident Evil Village, of course you will know that there is a relationship between Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village. Not only because it has the same character, namely Ethan Winters. But far from that, there are 8 relationships between Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village that you may not know.
Resident Evil 7’s Relationship with Resident Evil Village
1. Ethan Winters Hand
Actually, what is the problem with Capcom with Ethan’s hands? In Resident Evil 7 Ethan’s hand was stabbed and cut by Mia. Meanwhile in RE Village, a Lycan bites Ethan’s hand and Lady Dimitrescu cuts Ethan’s hand. What’s the problem with Capcom with Ethan’s hand? Ha ha ha.
From what happened to Ethan’s hand, some of you may ask. What is Ethan made of, how come his hands are reconnected? Or actually what liquid was used by Ethan to treat his hand?
But don’t worry, because there is an explanation regarding this First Aid Med, Gaess. Either on RE7 or not RE8, this First Aid Med does have an extraordinary function. It can heal wounds, as well as restore damaged systems to their original functions. In addition to the presence of Mold, it turns out that this is another supporter of why Ethan’s hand is back to normal. READ ALSO: Who is Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village?
2. Dulvey Gas Incident
This is revealed at the beginning of the Resident Evil Village game, Gaess. That there was a report saying what happened to the Baker House in Dulvey, Louisiana. This is due to the leakage of natural gas from the mud in the area. This gas leak caused the death of the entire Baker family.
The report also states that as a result of the incident, the couple Ethan and Mia Winters were declared missing. Of course 100% of these reports are just fake news to cover up the real events.
What happened to the Baker house strained the relationship between Ethan and Mia. Mia tries not to discuss the incident at Baker’s house, while Ethan still wants to find out what really happened through his wife. READ ALSO: Who is Mother Miranda in Resident Evil Village? Here are the details
3. Rosemary Winters
The Resident Evil Village storyline focuses on Ethan’s efforts to find his daughter, Rosemary Winters, who was kidnapped by Mother Miranda. According to the information Gamexran got, after the incident at Baker’s house. Mother Miranda finds out that Rosemary Winters is still alive.
Because Mother Miranda is looking for a vessel to revive her daughter, Eva. Of course he is interested in making Rose as a candidate for Eva’s container, Gaess. This is why Mother Miranda attempted to kidnap Rosemary Winters. Unfortunately Chris already knows the intention of Rose’s kidnapping. Therefore, he tries to save Rose before Miranda kidnaps Rose. READ ALSO: 4 Lords in Resident Evil Village Who Serve Mother Miranda
4. Chris’ attack
Maybe all of you were surprised when Chris attacked Mia and Ethan. Indeed, you will get answers to these attacks at the end of RE Village gameplay. This attack incident has something to do with Resident Evil 7’s relationship with Resident Evil Village, Gaess.
Chris hides Ethan and his family after what happened to them in Resident Evil 7. This is so that no one can find them and drag them back into this bioterrorism problem. But unfortunately, because Mia is a former member of The Connection. Ethan and his family are again dragged into the problems of Resident Evil Village. READ ALSO: Resident Evil 8 Village PC Specifications, Minimum and Recommended
5. Enemy Death
The death of the enemy in both series has something to do, Gaess. Do you still remember how every enemy in Resident Evil 7 died? Yes. they will all crumble to dust and fade into the wind. In the Resident Evil Village series, the death of the enemy also has the same way.
This is what makes the relationship between Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village. The enemies in both series are made of or from the same thing or parasite. Therefore the way they die is the same. READ ALSO: 6 Hidden Facts about Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village
6. Eveline
Of course Eveline has something to do with Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village. Because all this comes from Mother Miranda who is trying to revive her child named Eva. And the discovery of the Megamycete mushroom made Mother Miranda work on the project of making Eveline in Resident Evil 7.
However, because Mother Miranda realizes Eveline is a flawed creation, she continues to look for a new container for Eva. Mother Miranda continued to experiment even until Resident Evil Village which he attempted to kidnap Rosemary Winters. READ ALSO: What is Parasite Cadou in Resident Evil Village? This is the explanation
7. Chris BSAA
On Resident Evil Village this you may be wondering. Is Chris still in the BSAA or is he not a member of the BSAA anymore? So when you play Chris’ character in RE Village. You will find out that Chris is no longer a member of the BSAA. Chris expresses his distaste for the BSAA and says the organization is no longer healthy.
The reason for Chris’ departure from BSAA turned out to have something to do with the events in the Resident Evil 7 series, Gaess. Chris expressed his distrust of the BSAA for how they covered up the Baker House incident in Resident Evil 7. After Chris left BSAA, he formed a squad called the Hound Wolf Squad. READ ALSO: How to Get a Lightsaber in Resident Evil Village, Not a MOD!
8. Death of Ethan Winters
The death of Ethan Winters in Resident Evil Village turns out to reveal a new fact, Gaess. Eveline, who suddenly appeared after Mother Miranda pulled out Ethan’s heart, explained that in fact Ethan had died in Resident Evil 7 by Jack Baker. Eveline also explains that the Mold injected into Ethan’s body on RE7 was the reason Ethan could come back to life. READ ALSO: 5 of the best games made by Capcom with a score of 96/100
Those are the 8 relationships between Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil Village. How? Do you understand the relationship between the two Resident Evil series? Now it is clear that what happened to RE7 is closely related to RE8.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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Thank you.
About the author: @ransltn
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