RF Classic Indonesia Tournament, NOC 2021 Has Started

RF Classic Indonesia Tournament, NOC 2021 Has Started – Want to take part in the 2021 RF Classic Indonesia tournament? Check out the following information!
The prestigious online tournament, Novus Online Championship (hereinafter; NOC) 2021 is here! This national scale tournament is open to all RF Online players. Tournament that brings Player vs Player will fight 5 vs 5 players on a special server, with a scheme of 2 teams that will fight each other to beat each other.
Participants will be provided with a number of weapons and rations items to compete. Players can freely choose a profession (jobs) with armor (equipment) determined for each match. So this match requires cohesiveness, accuracy in choosing the appropriate profession, and teamwork to achieve victory!
RF Classic Indonesia NOC Tournament 2021
Save the Date!
- Team registration: 20 April – 2 May 2021
- Premiere Match: May 29, 2021
Registration Terms and Conditions:
- Novus Online Championship 2021 registration is absolutely free of charge (FREE)!
- The registration process is done online, by accessing the following link:
- Registration from 20 April to 02 May 2021 at 23:59 WIB.
- The registration process must be carried out by the Team Leader by filling out the Registration Form that has been provided correctly, clearly, completely, and must be responsible for the authenticity of the data entered on the form.
- 1 team consists of 5 players, with 1 person as team leader, and 4 team members.
- Team names and registered character names cannot contain Nickname ASCII, harsh words, SARA or pornography.
Match Terms and Conditions:
- Matches are played on a 5 vs 5 player system (5vs5)
- Match ID will be provided by the RF Classic Indonesia team.
- Matches will be played on the RF Classic event server.
- The team leader will be given 5 IDs with the basic job, according to the job registered.
- RF Classic Indonesia team will send account info to e-mail security registered on the team leader ID.
- If there is a team member who is late / absent, then the match will continue with a makeshift team
- The preliminary round matches will be held on the Elan map (Lack Joe and Lemon)
- The quarter-finals – grand final matches will be held on the dungeon map.
Total Cash Prize 50 Million Rupiah and Special Items!
Grab the cash prizes and special in-game items you can get! Here are the prizes you can get:
- 1st Prize Winner
- CASH Total value of IDR 30,000,000
- 1 piece Infinity Weapon (Slot 7) [+5 Ignorant Talic] for each participant
*Free to choose the type of weapon - 1 piece of Golden Wing (Slot 7) [+4 Chaos Talic] for each participant
- 1 Hora DarkHall’s Treasure Box for each participant.
- 5 pieces of Favored Lucky Box (Large) for each participant
- 2nd Prize Winner
- CASH Total value of IDR 15,000,000
- 1 piece Infinity Weapon (Slot 7) [+4 Ignorant Talic] for each participant
*Free to choose the type of weapon - 1 piece Silver Wing (Slot 7) [+4 Chaos Talic] for each participant
- 1 Hora DarkHall’s Treasure Box for each participant
- 5 pieces of Favored Lucky Box (Medium) for each participant
- 3rd Prize Winner
- CASH Total value of IDR 5,000,000,-
- 1 piece Infinity Weapon (Slot 7) [+3 Ignorant Talic] for each participant
*Free to choose the type of weapon - 1 piece Silver Wing (Slot 7) [No Upgrade] for each participant
- 1 Hora DarkHall’s Treasure Box for each participant
- 5 Favored Lucky Boxes (Small) for each participant
That’s great! Come on, invite your friends and REGISTER your team now, don’t miss it!
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
Don’t forget to share with friends on other MedSos.
Thank you.
About the Author: @ransltn
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