Safe Code Collection in The Last of Us 2, COMPLETE!

Safe Code Collection in The Last of Us 2, COMPLETE! – There are many safes scattered throughout the area. A code is required to open the safe. Here is a collection of safe codes in TLOU 2.
In the game The Last of Us 2 you will be faced with many places to explore. Each area you visit has more than five buildings that you must explore. This is because Sony puts a lot of secret or ester egg which you can’t miss. In addition, every existing building certainly has a lot of loot. But of all the loot and secrets that are scattered, there is a safe that is placed in several places by Sony.
This safe has lots of loot that is useful for you to make equipment or upgrade skills or weapons. Not only that, you also find other equipment such as weapon holsters which are very useful. But to open the safe in The Last of Us 2, you need the combination code. Finding the safe code in TLOU 2 is easy, Gaess. Therefore Gamexran will provide you with complete information about the safe code in The Last of Us 2.
Safe Code in The Last of Us 2
There are tons of safes that you can open all over map on The Last of Us 2. This safe code is usually located in a letter / letter, or it can be random. This is what makes some players may miss finding the safe code. Instead of being dizzy, Gamexran gave all the safe codes in TLOU 2.
1. Chapter 1 Safe Code
The Patrol: This safe is located in the spore-infected section of the grocery store. You can check the back office to find the first safe. The safe code is 07-20-13.
2. Chapter 2 Safe Code
Downtown: The safe is in the Seattle courtroom. To find it, you have to break the window near the elevator that leads to the garage. Go in there, find the safe and open it with the code 86-07-22.
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Downtown: In the bank, in the searched vault. The combination is 60-23-06.
Downtown: Find Gate West 2, which is located under the Courthouse building. Open the gate and you will find a safe in the corner. On the wall/wall near the safe there is an inscription where the code is the same as the gate code, namely 04-51.
Capitol Hill: This safe is located in a thrift shop in a mine area full of traps. In one of the rooms, you can find a safe with the combination 55-01-33.
Tunnels: In the tunnel there are several office rooms. The rest room, which has a small table and vending machine, has access to a locker room. To open the safe there, enter the code 15-24-3.
3. Chapter 3 Safe Code
Hillcrest: There is a safe in the auto repair shop located behind a shop. You have to move the green trash can that is blocking the door. But you have to be careful because here there are 3 zombies that will directly attack you. Open the safe with the combination 30-82-65.
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The Seraphites: This safe is located in the apartment room. The door is locked, so you have to find another way down the stairs on the right or by breaking through the window by getting on the truck. The combination is 10-08-83.
The Seraphites: When you swim, you will find a garage there. Use the stairs, then you will be able to walk to the pharmacy and crawl into the hole there. The code is 38-55-23.
4. Chapter 4 Safe Code
The Flooded City: You have to open a door which is located inside the warehouse. Later there will be debris blocking your path, but you can move the wheeled pallet so that there will be less room for you to crawl. At the end, you have to jump through the window. The safe combination is 70-12-64.
5. Chapter 6 Vault Code
On Foot: After leaving the warehouse on the hooked boat, head to the warehouse opposite with a trailer there. Inside the warehouse you will find a safe. The code is 17-38-07.
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Hostile Territory: There is a safe inside the bakery. The combination is 68-96-89.
The Coast: After defeating the zombies on the ship, head to the deck section. There will be a fairly large hole in the side. You’ll find a safe there with the combination 90-77-01.
6. Chapter 7 Safe Code
The Shortcut: There is a safe in the apartment building with the Dungeons and Dragons game on the table. In the bedroom next to the gaming table, you can find a safe. The code is 30-23-04.
The Descent: After you leave the main pool area, you will pass through the door and see a gym there. On the opposite side to the left of the stairs, there is a safe with the combination 12-18-79.
So that’s a collection of safe codes in The Last of Us 2. There are 15 safes that you can find and open. Open these safes, because in them there are many tools in large quantities, Gaess. So it’s a shame if you ignore the safe.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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