Youtuber Desmond "Etika" Amofah Dies

After being reported missing, a Youtuber whose full name is Dezmond Amofah or better known as Ethics has been found. On June 26, 2021, the local police found a body which was confirmed to be that of Ethics. This is because the corpse is wearing the same clothes as Ethics wore in the last video which was deleted by Youtube.
The man who was born on May 12, 1990 died at the age of 29 years. Etika started his career as a Youtuber in 2021 and has around 800,000 subscribers. Apart from being active on Youtube, Ethics is also active as a streamer on Twitch. Even though Etika has had some controversy and has often been in trouble with the police, Etika is still loved by his fans who are named JoyCon. Boyz.
With this, Gamexran expresses its deepest condolences for leaving Ethics. Hopefully in the future there will be no more incidents like this. If you have a problem, it’s good to talk about it. If those around you can’t help or listen, try going to counseling. Likewise, if your friends or family have suicidal tendencies, approach them. Help them.
Goodbye Ethics.
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