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Gameplay of Brody in Mobile Legends: the Hero Hit-and-Run

Brody the Lone Star is the new marksman hero in Mobile Legends which was released on March 16 October 2020. Brody is a unique marksman because this hero has a very slow attack speed but once hit his damage is very high.

You could say this MM hero is a type similar to Granger. Namely relying on damage and skills to kill opponents with burst damage, rather than using fast auto attacks like Miya or Bruno.

Because Brody is a very unique MM hero, the way to play Brody is very different from other MM heroes. For those of you who still don’t understand the explanation of Brody’s skill, you can learn it first.

Come on, when you understand the skills, we will immediately discuss the details of the gameplay of Brody Mobile Legends: the Hit-and-Run Hero!

Brody Mobile Legends Gameplay

Why is this hero a hit-and-run hero? Because Brody has a unique attack pattern. Ie Brody will marking the opponent he will attack, then the attack is launched. This means that Brody will approach the opponent for marking, then be able to retreat, and launch his attack from afar.

brody mobile legends gameplay: Brody's marking skill that ensures that his opponent can be killed from any distance.
Marking sign, if there is this sign you can attack the enemy from a great distance. (Source: YT Gaming Theos)

So dilaning phase and war, you have to familiarize yourself with this marking mechanism. So that you can poke (installments) your opponent then immediately move away and do an auto attack from safe distance.

Tips: After you mark your opponent by pressing the attack button, you just move and don’t need to press the attack button again. The attack will come out automatically automatic.

Brody mobile legends gameplay: An example of Brody's very long attack range
You can see Brody’s attack range which is quite far when the enemy is marked (Source: YT Gaming Theos)

When passive Abyss Corrosion MARK has passed 2 stacks, the range of your attack circle is enlarged and you will be able to trigger marking at a longer distance.

Hero Brody has skill 1 which can extend the skill distance
When Abbys Corrosion MARK has reached 2 bars, the Brody marking distance will be further extended (Source: YT Mobile Moba)

But keep in mind that playing Brody should be very careful with positioning you guys because Brody doesn’t have instant escape skills. You have to hit or use skills towards your opponent to escape.

Brody’s blur options:

  1. Mark your opponent, then run as far as possible with additional movement speed
  2. Use skill 2 towards the opponent and immediately dash in the opposite direction of the opponent’s movement
  3. Use the ulti on the opponent (can be done from a considerable distance), and Brody will jump backwards and run fast

You can see that all the blurred options are not easy to execute. So if your position is bad and you are hit by a gang, there is little chance that you will survive.

Item Build Brody

High Critical Damage Type

Because Brody’s attack speed is very sick with a slow attack speed, it would be better for you to maximize the damage from Brody than making an attack speed item.

Similar to the Granger build item. You can focus on making damage and critical items. Once critical damage can penetrate 3-4k numbers, it’s like Irithel alone.

Damage type is suitable when you fight an enemy with sluggish mobility, because you can hide behind the tank and focus on giving as much damage as possible.

These are the recommended items for SPIN Esports for damage + critical types:

Build item Damage and Critical type Brody
Critical Build Items

For the boots yourself, you can choose between Warrior Boots, Tough Boots, or Magic Shoes depending on the composition of your opponent. The important thing is that it is not recommended to buy Swift Boots (as is commonly purchased in other MMs) because Brody does not rely on attack speed.

Lively Type Run Jump

When you meet an opponent who can hit you on the backline like an assassin, it is advisable for you to buy items that provide high movement speed. Each stack is collected and the skill that hits the opponent will give Brody a high movement speed bonus.

So that when you use items with high movement speed. You can run very fast and can avoid the breakthroughs of the opponent’s heroes who try to catch you behind.

Item Build Brody with High Movement Speed ​​type
Item Build Movement Speed


Hyper Core

In terms of role, Brody is a suitable hero to be a hyper core. Because this hero already has painful damage without even a lot of items. So at first, you can roam and war strongly.

You can use the assassin emblem because this emblem gives you a large movement speed bonus so that Brody can roam quickly. Then you can use the killing spree so that every time you kill you will get a large HP and movement speed bonus.

The downside of playing Hyper Core is that you usually have to use retribution. And as we know, Brody is very gank when he doesn’t have instant escape skills. So if you play Hyper Core, you have to see the mini map often, don’t lose roaming with your opponent’s hyper core.

Side Lane

Brody can also be used as a good sidelane hero on the Gold lane. Brody can go solo on the lane because of the long shooting distance and agile movement speed to keep his distance from aggressive opponent sidelaners.

Here Brody can use the marksman emblem – Electro Flash. This emblem is good for Brody to use because every time Brody makes markings and tries to auto attack the enemy. Brody will get a high movement speed and HP bonus based on the damage given.

So it will be easy for Brody to stay on the lane because he can kite the enemy by marking, moving away, auto attacking, approaching, and marking again. Then when you are paid in installments by your opponent you can get additional HP from this skill.

When you play Brody in sidelane, you can use more defensive battle spells like Flicker or Purify. So that you can play much more safely from the target of your opponent.

That is the review of Brody Mobile Legends gameplay. You can watch this video to watch it online detail about how the hero Brody works.

Is this hero OP like Barats, Yu Zhong, and Khaleed? According to the author, the hero is still arguably OP because of the enormous damage, but not as easy as the 3 heroes above.

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