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Similarities of Mobile Legends Characters with Wild Rift

If a game developer wants to design a new character, chances are that the same character has already been created in a game or other medium. This is not uncommon because of the ease of building a character based on a theme or trope which are already established.

Because of this, there are lots of characters from Mobile Legends and Wild Rift that resemble each other. This can be seen from various sides, ranging from color schemes, themes, accessories, and even how to play. Let’s take a look at some below.

1) Layla vs Jinx

First is Layla and Jinx, their respective ‘poster girl’ games. Both characters wield large firearms, with Layla using a rifle and Jinx using a gattling gun or rocket launcher. In addition, they are given free to new players and have two braids.

2) Lancelot vs Fiona

Next up are Lancelot and Fiora, these two characters fight using rapier. This thin sword is used in fencing or fencing. Besides that, they also have skills dash and skills to show his opponent’s ‘weak point’.

3) Tigreal vs Garen

Tigreal and Garen have the same theme, namely knights with large armor. They also have a similar color scheme. But beyond that, Tigreal used a hammer and shield, while Garen used a sword.

4) Miya vs Ashe

This pair are two very similar characters from their respective games. Miya and Ashe have almost exactly the same color scheme, and use large bows to shoot their arrows. In addition, their passive skills add effects to their arrows, and they also have the skill to shoot multiple arrows at once.

5) Minotaur vs Alistar

It is clear why the Minotaur and Alistar are similar, namely because they are designed using the same legendary character, the Minotaur from Ancient Greece. They also have the mobility skills to instantly move on top of the opponent, because of course the developers want these characters to look and feel aggressive.

6) Hanabi vs Akali

Although these two characters have different roles such as Tigreal and Garen above, it is not difficult to see the similarity of themes between Hanabi and Akali. They are designed based on trope mysterious female ninja, even complete with her mask. Could it be the Covid season there too?

7) Grock vs Malphite

Grock and Malphite are yet another character pair designed using trope the same thing, namely the walking stone monster. These characters are found in many fantasy worlds and other games. Outside of that equation, they also have an ultimate where they do dash towards the enemy even though the effect is different.

8) Kadita vs Nami

These two characters have a water theme and have a similar design. Although the origins of Kadita and Nami’s characters are different, it’s not difficult to create a character with the power of water with a mermaid theme. Even though they look similar, their in-game roles are very different, with Kadita playing the role burst damage and Nami who acts as support.

9) Zilong vs Xin Zhao

Zilong and Xin Zhao don’t have the same color scheme, but the animations in the game are almost exactly the same. Of course trope they as spear-wielding swordsmen were very common, but at least their skills in the game were different apart from the skill that used three regular attacks.

10) Granger vs Jhin

Last on this list are Granger and Jhin. While they may look a bit different by design, they are very similar in theme and gameplay. Both of these characters have passive skills where the last bullet in their weapon will cause critical damage. This last bullet also reflects their lucky numbers, for Granger number 6 and for Jhin number 4. Then their ultimate skill where they change their weapons to fire multiple long-range bullets with high damage. Lastly is their musical ability, where Granger plays the violin and Jhin plays the piano.


Those are the ten character similarities between Mobile Legends and Wild Rift. Which character do you think is the most similar? Are there other character pairs that are much more alike?

Source: Jess No Limit

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