How to Get Diamonds, Free Skins for Mobile Legends (ML) and FF from the Lazada Event

Photo via: YouTube Mongging Gamers
How to get Diamonds plus free skins for Mobile Legends (ML) and FF from the Lazada Event. In social media groups, especially Facebook, it is about an event outside of Mobile Legends but it can be useful for your Mobile Legends.
This event comes from one of the leading e-commerce companies in Indonesia, namely Lazada. This event from Lazada allows us to get free Diamonds and skins in Mobile Legends (ML).
ALSO READ: Note the date, this is the Mobile Legends (ML) event that is present in Cambodia with a VPN!
If you are curious about the steps, spinners just need to read carefully the steps below.
- Install the Lazada application and visit the link the following
- Use or register a new account for Lazada because if you use an old account your points won’t add up
- Read the rules so that you can easily understand this event
- Share on social media (especially the Facebook Mobile Legends group) to get points and ask for help in the group to click on the shared link
- After your Lazada credit reaches 150 thousand then take it
- Type in “Diamond Mobile Legends or FF” and buy with Lazada credit
But keep in mind that your points are only valid for 1 day and if it has passed 1 day it will be reset again, so you need to collect another lazada credit.
If you are still confused, please watch the video below, spinners, so you can see the steps in more detail and also practice the event directly.
That’s how to get ML and FF free Diamonds for spinners, hopefully you can! Don’t forget to visit the SPIN Website for other latest updates, and follow our Instagram and Youtube.
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