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Tips for Solo Ranked Season 19 Ala RRQ Hoshi, Let Mythic Hurry!

Tips for Solo Ranked Season 19 Ala RRQ Hoshi, Let Mythic Hurry!

Mobile Legends is a game that is very popular today. Each player certainly pursues the highest rank, namely Mythic every season.

But for solo players, of course this is quite difficult, how come? Myanmar Player, AFK, Feeder, Noob always haunts.

You can see the solo ranked season 19 system here yes. Let you also know when to push when to stop.

ALSO READ: Solo Rank or Team Rank? Which one is better?

But it’s not just the system that you need to pay attention to, you also need the skills and tips needed so that you don’t make it difficult for your team when playing.

And here, quoted from @teamrrq’s Instagram, SPIN Esports will share their solo ranked tips. What do you think? Come on, listen together so you can quickly get to Mythic.

Use a Hero that is Already Mastered

If you lose the pick, try to choose a role that can lift the team, such as core assassin or marksman. But you also have to remember that you have to master the hero otherwise it’s useless.

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Objective Focus

If you get a team that is very often teamfight. You must be a player who can focus on farming, and an objective focus on spending your opponent’s turret. Because if you focus too much on team fight your team might lose the turret to your opponent.

Mastering All Roles

This is indeed the most important point, you don’t have to always be able to get all the roles well, it’s enough with several heroes in these roles. Because we never know what role we got during our solo rank.

Ready for Team Support

Ready to be an impromptu support because we don’t know what our teammates want, sometimes there are those who want to be objective turret or team fight, as much as possible we have to support properly.

Do not be selfish

Don’t be selfish and greedy for farming, if your role is core or hyper, this is really needed. But if you are playing another role, you should do your job and let farming be another task.

Those are RRQ Hoshi’s solo ranked tips that you can try to follow. The important points there are that you have to be in all roles, don’t be selfish and always support.

But don’t forget to be objective. Because the victory is obtained when the opponent’s nexus or base is destroyed, not when our team kills more.

Often writers also feel the pain of going to a comeback when solo because they have teammates who don’t want to focus objectively.

ALSO READ: Secret Solo Ranked System Season 19, Anti Losestreak Club!

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