Almost 50 Percent of Fortnite's Revenue Turns Out To Be From PlayStation Players
As if not wanting to be known as a big fad that quickly passed, Fortnite managed to maintain its position as the most popular and most popular battle royale game today. Thanks to the consistent support that has been given to him over the last few years, this game has strengthened his dominance and seems to never die. But even though the game is already available on many platforms including mobile, who would have thought that most of the profits that Fortnite gets will come from PlayStation players.
This latest information is known from reports from the continuation of legal proceedings between Epic and Apple, where they are still trying to get more microtransaction profit rights that are processed through the App Store. Based on the data shared, about 46.8 percent of the total profit that Fortnite earned from March 2018 to July 2020 came from the PlayStation 4 platform. This certainly explains why Sony is willing to invest up to USD 200 million into Fortnite, including through collaboration content of popular character skins from IP. PlayStation.
While data from other platforms lists 27.5 percent of profits coming from Xbox One, 18 percent being shared between PC, Android and Nintendo Switch, and the lowest is iOS at 7 percent. Fortnite is a massive battle royale game with high earnings every day, so you can be sure that Sony gets a very high profit share too, especially up to almost 50 percent compared to other platforms.
This data is actually not that surprising, especially if you look at the fact that the PlayStation 4 has entered the ranks of home consoles with the highest sales besides the Nintendo DS and PlayStation 2. It will be very interesting to see how the collaboration between Sony and the creators of Unreal Engine will develop in the future.
For those of you who may not have played the game, Fortnite is available for free on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, PC and macOS.
Source: The Verge
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Publisher: Epic Games
Developer: Epic Games
Release Date: 2017-07-21
Console, PS4, PS5, Mobile Game, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series
Fortnite is a free-to-play battle royale game from Epic Games. Since his debut in 2017, his name has been included in the ranks of the largest and most popular battle royale game in the world.
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