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Difficulty Breathing Can Affect Gamers Who Are Used To Living Unhealthy For A Long Time

Health problems for gamers do not only affect the area around the wrists and shoulders. But also lung problems such as suddenly having difficulty breathing, or suddenly becoming short of breath. This is quite dangerous and requires immediate treatment.

According to several doctors, the incident that has happened to this esports athlete several times is called the medical term “Collapsed Lung (Pneumothorax)”

Why can something like this happen to gamers?

“Collapsed Lung” usually occurs in people who are thin, who often sit with poor posture, and have bad living habits, rarely exercise and lack nutritious food. In addition, it can also be caused by frequent smoking or asthma.
The picture above is similar to that of a hardcore gamer, isn’t it?

According to Caitlin McGee, a Physical Therapist specialist, the problem of difficulty breathing in the lungs, can also be caused by bad breathing habits, for a long time.
A gamer, when he is tense, often without realizing it, holds his breath, or takes a short breath. For a long time and prolonged, this will endanger the effectiveness of the person’s lungs.

Several pro players from Esports have experienced this “Collapsed Lung” incident. Like Luke “Gla1ve” Rossander who was forced to go to the hospital, after finishing running a match.
In addition, a pro player from League of Legends, namely Hai Du Lam, was forced to withdraw from the tournament in Paris, due to a lung problem.

Although there is no certainty that the “Collapsed Lung” problem is caused by playing games too often, gamers are expected to maintain their health while playing games.
Physical activity, such as exercise, should be done, and should not sit for hours, months and years. This can cause bad posture.

In addition, nutrition must also be considered, because many gamers play games too often, and pay less attention to the nutrition of their food.

Read more – Other injuries that usually happen to gamers: Hands Shoulders and Neck

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