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Game Preview World of Final Fantasy - Welcome to the magical world of Final Fantasy!!

In addition to preparing Final Fantasy XV which seems “serious”, it turns out that Square Enix is ​​also busy working on another project with a cuter nuance, namely World of Final Fantasy. Presenting cute character designs and supported by a simple but unique style of play, this title will be one of the interesting FF games to be played by PlayStation 4 console owners in 2016 (besides FFXV of course). Want to know what kind of game this game has to offer?

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The World of Grymoire
World of Final Fantasy tells the story of two twins named Reyn and Lann who lost their memories, where for now the cause is still unknown. At that time they were visited by a mysterious woman named Enna Kros, who then took them to a world called Grymoire so that both of them could regain their memories. And it turns out, Grymoire is a world that contains various characters, locations, scenes, and even monsters from the Final Fantasy series!! What kind of adventure will Reyn and Lann have? So who exactly is Enna Kros? But the most important thing is: can they regain their memories and return to their original world safely? All will be revealed after the game is released later.

Maybe many gamers question why Square Enix suddenly developed a cute game like this; in stark contrast to FFXV which is equipped with realism and high graphic quality. And it turns out (according to Shinji Hasimoto as director) that it is intended to attract the attention of gamers who are not familiar with Final Fantasy in depth. For this reason, World of Final Fantasy comes with a cute chibi-style appearance, accompanied by simple gameplay so that they don’t get confused in learning the game system.

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Gotta Catch ‘Em All!!
Basically the game in World of Final Fantasy is “friends with all monsters”, where later Reyn and Lann can catch various types of monsters contained in the Final Fantasy universe such as Chocobo, Ahriman, Iron Giant, Behemoth and many more. According to the info, the process to capture these monsters involves fighting and a special method that gamers must do, which is currently still being kept secret. But one thing is for sure, once captured, they will become party members that you can use during the battle. Oh, you can also get certain types of monsters by completing certain storylines.

For the battle system, World of Final Fantasy uses a classic game feature, namely Active-Time Battle (ATB), where your party member and the monster you are facing will attack alternately. Well, it turns out that the monsters that you have caught have their own uses during the battle through the “stacking” feature. Just by using one button, we can change Reyn and Lann’s body size into chibi versions (normally they are bigger than the monsters), thus allowing both of them to ride the monsters. Not only that, a monster that is small in size can stick on the heads of the twins; this is the form of the stacking feature.

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Then, what’s so special about riding a monster like that? Don’t get me wrong: depending on the formation that you create when stacking, it will affect your character’s stats to the abilities that can be used, you know!! With many types of monsters presented in this game, some of which are even new types of monsters created specifically for World of Final Fantasy, gamers can find a very wide variety of stacking formations. Simple but very interesting to live, right?

Besides monsters, gamers can also meet famous characters such as Warrior of Light (FFI), Cloud Strife (FFVII), Lightning (FFXIII) and many more, who will help Reyn and Lann in their adventure through their unique abilities in summon form.

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The Verdict
Done by staff who already have big names in the gaming world, World of Final Fantasy promises a fresh and fun playing experience. It seems that this will not only attract the interest of gamers who are not familiar with the FF series, but also loyal fans through its uniqueness.

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Gamer Info – Entering the Fantasy World
Being trapped in a fantasy world is not a new thing because you can find it in the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance game, which was released on the GBA handheld in 2003. In this game, Marche and his friends are trapped in the world of Ivalice which is very different from the world. where they were, where there they would meet various other creatures besides the human race. And to return to their world, they must undergo an adventure that is wrapped in a dangerous fight. Try the game, it’s fun!!

Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix
Genre: RPG
Release: October 25, 2016
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita

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