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Hard West - The weird side of the Wild West

What is your reaction when you hear about a game that combines the Wild West and supernatural elements, plus it is presented in the turn-based strategy genre – it seems very strange, doesn’t it? But that’s what you will find in Hard West, a game by CreativeForge Games which turns out to be interesting to play even though it seems a bit absurd. Play as a cowboy named Warren who comes back to life as an undead figure, your job is to find those who killed you and take revenge. Interestingly, the story does not only focus on Warren because Hard West features a number of other characters who have their own storylines but are related to each other. And all that gamers can find in 8 scenarios that are quite interesting – even though it feels short.

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Make Your Move, Cowboy
Unlike other Wild West games, this game – because it carries the turn-based strategy genre – feels slow but challenging because gamers have to take all actions into account carefully. For example, in the episode “Graveyard Shift”, you have to help a bounty hunter who can later help carry out your duties. But it’s not easy because your hero must not be known by the opponent before the bounty hunter is released!! This makes you have to think about where to move, how to knock out your opponent without being noticed, and much more. Not to mention that in subsequent episodes there are many other missions that are more difficult, so Hard West is able to present a game full of interesting challenges.

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The presence of supernatural elements in the Hard West game, on the one hand, makes it easier for players to face enemies and complete tasks. For example, Warren can replenish health by consuming the corpses of defeated opponents, or use various dark arts that have tremendous power such as bullets that can pierce objects. But on the other hand, the presence of this feature reduces the essence of the concept of “strategy” itself, because with such abilities gamers can move freely and beat all opponents without the need to think about any attack tactics.

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Even though it looks different from other turn-based games, Hard West – apart from the aforementioned shortcomings – is a game that PC gamers must try. And although the duration of the game is not long but in that short time gamers will be treated to an exciting game.

Overall Score: 7/10

Publisher: Gambitious Digital Entertainment
Developer: CreativeForge Games
Genre: Strategy
Release: November 2015
Platform: PC

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