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Kingston's Second Largest Sales of Business Networking SSDs in 2016

Have 16 Percent Market Share

Data Compiled by Industry Firm Forward Insights

Kingston, the independent world leader in memory products, announced today that it has a unit market share of 16 percent of the global SSD channel for 2016. The data is compiled by research firm Forward Insights, which has been analyzing the non-volatile semiconductor industry since 2008.

According to Forward Insights, a total of 63 million SSDs were marketed worldwide in 2016 with Kingston® accounting for 10.1 million units. This number represents 16 percent or the second largest in the global market, demonstrating Kingston’s growth as one of the top suppliers of SSD products. Sales channels consist of distributors, resellers, retail/e-tail, system builders and solution providers.


The desire to switch to SSDs continues to grow as consumers and companies alike see the performance benefits of upgrading/upgrading hard disk drives. For nearly 30 years, Kingston’s focused and core sales force has formed formidable relationships with business partners around the world; this has boosted the growth of the SSD business globally since these drives were first marketed in 2009. Recent results from Forward Insights helped validate this effort and this success should be shared with Kingston’s business partners.

Forward Insights has been at the forefront of providing independent market analysis and information to companies including Kingston. “Our research shows third-party SSD companies accounted for 60 percent of all shipments last year as the number of semiconductor-based providers powering their business channels,” said Forward Insights. “Despite being under-allocated since mid-Q2 2016, overall business shipments have remained strong and Kingston is one of the top leaders in this category.”

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