Natsumi, Neon Esports Player Enters The Elite 11K MMR!
- John Anthony Vargas alias Natsumi managed to record his name in the elite 11K MMR list.
- Natsumi who is 19 years old is in the lineup for the Neon Esports team that will compete in the 2021 SEA DPC
Natsumi’s real name John Anthony Vargas managed to record his name in the 11K MMR (match making rating) list. The pro player from the Philippines added to the list of Dota 2 players from the SEA (Southeast Asia) region who managed to enter the elite ranks. As we know, two Indonesian players, namely Mikoto and InYourdreaM, have won 11K MMR in early February.
Natsumi shared her achievements through a screenshot post on Facebook, which was later shared by her team, Neon Esports.
Starting a pro career in 2019, Natsumi became one of the best Carry. His rapidly growing game also contributed to the appearance of Neon Esports in the first season of DPC SEA 2021.
READ ALSO: Mikoto Makes History! Become the First Indonesian Dota 2 Player to Break 11,000 MMR!
The achievement of Natsumi, who is only 19 years old, is quite special for the Dota 2 SEA community. The reason is, the MMR point system is a benchmark for a player’s game in a DOta 2 match. The higher the MMR, the more difficult opponents will be or at least commensurate. The MMR system is an objective and accurate assessment of the records of each game, be it in terms of Individual, Gank, Warding, Rat etc. So it’s not just relying on individual stats (skills and total kills) but also team work. Valve categorizes MMR point levels as follows:
MMR 0 – 2000 (Normal Skill)
MMR 2500 – 3500 (High Skill)
MMR 3500 +++ (Very High Skill )
Natsumi becomes the 11th Southeast Asian Dota 2 player to reach the MMR count. Previously there were Abed, 23savage, Karl, Gabbi, Armel, Raven, Vtfaded, JaCkky, Mikoto, and inYourdreaM. The following is a list of The Elite 11K MMR Club globally:
Abed “Abed” Azel L. Yusop
Nuengnara “23savage” Teeramahanon
Danil “gpk” Skutin
Egor “Nightfall” Grigorenko
Karl “Karl” Jayme
Andreas “Cr1t” Nielsen
Kim “Gabbi” Villafuerte
Artour “Arteezy” Babaev
Quinn “Quinn” Callahan
Remco “Crystallis” Arets
Armel Paul “Armel” Tabios
Tommy “Taiga” Le
Cheng “Vtfaded” Jia Hao
Souliya “JaCkky” Khoompetsavong
Jonas “SabeRLight” Volek
Marc Polo “Raven” Fausto
Rafli “Mikoto” Fathur Rahman
Muhammad “inYourdreaM” Rizky
Maurice “KheZu” Gutmann
John Anthony “Natsumi” Vargas
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