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Nintendo NX to be Released in March Next Year

Nintendo fans out there are made to keep waiting and hoping, especially about the latest next generation console from Nintendo, especially if not the Nintendo NX. Talking about the Nintendo NX, there have been a lot of rumors circulating since Nintendo announced its development last year. The latest rumors say that the Nintendo NX console will be released this year.

Well it seems there is a bit of bad news for you Nintendo lovers. And this news is not a mere rumor but an official statement directly from Nintendo. Nintendo recently stated that they will not be releasing this Nintendo NX within this year. The time chosen is quite long, namely next year in March. This news is very unpleasant, especially for Nintendo fans. Not to mention Nintendo’s attitude of closing tightly and not giving the slightest leak about their latest console.

What is quite comforting is that in March next year, Nintendo NX will be released globally, not only in Japan or something like that. So you don’t have to worry about having to wait any longer for this console to arrive in Indonesia.

In Nintendo’s official statement, NX itself is not the official name of their next generation console. NX is just the code name of their console. As for the official name of their newest console, again Nintendo is ‘stingy’ to provide the slightest information or leaks for their fans. It seems that for just the name of the console we will have to wait quite a while to find out.

Then if you’re wondering whether the Nintendo NX will be exhibited at E3 later? Maybe not if we look at the report from a Wall Street Journal reporter. In a report by Nintendo, confirm that their latest console will not be showcased at the E3 event later. In fact, what will be showcased later at the E3 event from Nintendo is the latest game from their famous franchise, especially if not Zelda, which will be released for the Wii U console.

With this official notification, it seems that another Nintendo console, the Wii U, is still quite old. This is related to the latest news that the Wii U will soon end its fate in the gaming industry. So for those of you who happen to have a Wii U console at home, you can breathe a little easier. And again, Nintendo has also stated that they are still paying attention to the WIi U console in the future, both in terms of technical support and also game titles that will be released to the Wii U.

Stay tuned for more news about Nintendo NX from Nintendo live on Gamestation!

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