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Predict 5 Champions Who Might Come to Wild Rift

League of Legends has many champions. While writing this article, League has 151 champions, and more will be coming in the months to come. Of course, Riot wants to include these champions in the Wild Rift. But who will come first? In this article we will predict 5 champions who will come to the next Wild Rift.

Let’s first think about the criteria that riot might use to select champions for wild rifts:

  1. Simple Kit

Having a simple kit doesn’t mean being a champion is easy. But since Wild Rift will use a touchscreen or controller, having a kit that’s easy to adapt will be a plus for champions.

  1. Older Champions

Riot seems to prioritize champions who have been on the League roster for several years. The most recent champion in the Wild Rift is Camille, and she has been in the League since 2016. Also newer champions from the League tend to have a more complex skillset, which may complicate the process of getting them into the Wild Rift.

  1. Role Diversity

To keep the Wild Rift roster balanced, Riot will want to have an approximately equal number of champions in each role. Currently the most champions for Baron Lane, and the least champions for Dragon Lane, so maybe Riot will be more inclined to add marksman to Wild Rift. But the difference in this number isn’t very high, so it’s also possible that Riot didn’t think about this factor too much.

  1. Popularity

The more popular a champion is, the more likely Riot is to include him in the Wild Rift. Besides looking good to the champion players, they can also immediately sell the skin for that champion $$. The reasons for popularity can vary, but two important reasons are because of the fun gameplay like Yasuo, or because this champion is a cute girl like Lux.

After all that analysis, here are the 5 champion predictions for Wild Rift in each role:

Baron: Darius

Darius has been in the League for a long time. During that time Darius was often featured in Riot’s videos as the face of the Noxus Empire. In addition, according to data for patch 10.16, Darius is one of the most popular Top laners in League because of his exciting gameplay. Darius’ gameplay is focused on winning lanes by killing opponents many times. After that he can win his own teamfight by dunking the entire opposing team.

Jungle: Kha’zix

Like Darius, Kha’zix is ​​one of the most popular champions for his role, this time Jungle. Kha’zix is ​​also quite an old champion. He had entered the League in 2012, increasing his chances of entering the Wild Rift. But Kha’zix isn’t as popular in Riot videos as Darius is. The factor he brings is role diversity for Jungle as an Assassin because currently Jungle Wild Rift’s roster does not have a burst-damage assassin.

Middle: Akali

Although the latest version of Akali only came out a few years ago, Akali entered the League a decade ago in 2010. The reworked Akali skills are simple enough to use on a touchscreen or controller, but require the right sequence and timing. In addition, Akali is the fourth most popular Mid laner champion behind Yone, Zed, and Yasuo. Zed and Yasuo are already in Wild Rift, and Yone is the new champion. But the most important thing is the role diversity that Akali will bring as an Assassin because currently there are more Mage Mid laners than Assassin Mid laners.

Dragon: Caitlyn

Caitlyn is the most popular bottom/ADC champion in the League for all rankings, and it’s not hard to see why. His kit gives players many ways to survive, starting from his attack range and his escape ability. Ultimate Caitlyn also gives it a ranged attack that can kill a near-death enemy champion with ease. But what’s more important is that all of Caityln’s skills are simple and easy to incorporate into Wild Rift, except for the ultimate which may require Riot to design the targeting method for ranged skills.

Support: Morgana

Morgana is one of the most popular supports in the League. Besides Morgana in the Top 4 are Thresh, Lux, and Lulu. Thresh has a more complicated kit to play with than Morgana. This can be seen in the many memes about Thresh’s friends not using their lantern. Lux had already entered the Wild Rift, so there was no competition from there. So all that’s left is Morgana and Lulu.

But Morgana has one important advantage over Lulu, Morgana is an e-girl champion. Skins for Morgana will definitely be more popular than Lulu. But apart from that, Morgana is also a champion who has been in the League for a long time and will provide other defensive options as support.

Honorable Mention: Lee Sin

The sixth chapion for this prediction is Lee Sin. Based on popularity, Lee Sin is more popular than Kha’zix in Jungle. In fact, Lee Sin is the most popular Jungler in the League for Platinum rank and above. So why did Lee Sin only get an honorable mention? Due to the complexity of the kit.

All of Lee Sin’s basic skills can be used a second time as different skills. In addition, although all of Lee Sin’s skills are quite simple when viewed alone, playing Lee Sin effectively is not easy and requires very good positioning from the player. This may be something more difficult to do on a touchscreen or controller. That’s why Lee Sin was chosen as an honorable mention in this article.


Those are our predictions for the champions that may be coming to Wild Rift in the near future. Which champion do you think will come to the next Wild Rift?

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