Sausage Man and why the game suddenly became popular
Last week we received a press release from publisher XD Entertainment to announce the release of their mobile game, Sausage Man. Initially we did not pay extra attention and considered it a standard mobile game that can be found every day in the market. But we ended up quite surprised when we saw the statistics on the number of readers of the news that suddenly rose drastically. Our reaction at the moment yesterday was immediate “Wow, Sausage Man is really popular, isn’t he?” This is also increasingly clear when checking the position of the game, which managed to penetrate 1 million downloads in less than a week.
The phenomenon of new mobile games that are suddenly crowded is not uncommon, because in fact there are lots of games that have gained high popularity in just a short time since their release. In the case of Sausage Man, this is a game that offers the premise of a hilarious battle royale game full of crazy action. Whether it’s turning characters into exploding cannon projectiles, ambushing enemies from behind with wormhole grenades, to using an exosuit that can be turned into a jet-powered vehicle, this game can’t be separated from creativity that makes the gameplay experience addictive.
Out of curiosity, we recently decided to download and play it live. We only played for two matches, because a battle royale game like this is easy to absorb after just playing it for a while. For Sausage Man itself, the game takes many similarities with many similar titles on the market, especially PUBG as seen from how the UI looks to the camera point of view. One thing that makes it special is how players are given the freedom to perform even the most hilarious and crazy actions. We’ve already mentioned it above, but this is an attraction that has proven to be quite selling, especially when coupled with the style that turns each character into a sausage, making Sausage Man easier to identify.
We then checked Facebook and looked for whether this game already has a community base, and sure enough, at least there is already a Sausage Man Indonesia group with members that have reached tens of thousands of people. The fact that this community has managed to get that many members in such a short time is a testament to its popularity. But despite watching this game closely, we still can’t really answer the question of why Sausage Man can become so popular.
If we have to guess, we have two strong guesses. First, the publisher of XD is trying to build relationships with media in Southeast Asia to favorite influencers to promote the game. One of the popular game streamers in Indonesia, Windah Basudara, happened to play this game on his YouTube channel yesterday, and the video has almost reached 1 million views. But after seeing it, it seems that Windah is playing this game because it has gone viral first, so influencer influence is not the answer to the question we are looking for.
Meanwhile, the second assumption is that this game was released at the right moment. The point is that a mobile game, no matter how simple the gameplay is, it always has the potential to become a big hit. Sausage Man happens to be a new game that has been getting extra attention since its release and then a lot of players got curious to try it out. You could say that the initial spark of attention has now spread and made Sausage Man more popular than many people thought. We believe that publisher XD didn’t even expect this sudden success.
But despite the success it has now, usually games that like suddenly popular can go quiet in the near future and only maintain their status as seasonal games. We certainly hope that Sausage Man can maintain this momentum of popularity, and who knows, his name will become bigger so that he can shift the most popular battle royale games on mobile such as Free Fire and PUBG Mobile. Still a long way to go…
If you’re curious about the game, Sausage Man is now available for free via the Google Play Store, App Store, and TapTap. New players can claim a 14-day login reward which includes weapon skins, costumes, and Supply Boxes. For now the game is only available in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, but there are plans to bring it to more other SEA countries in the near future.
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Sausage Man
Publisher: XD Entertainment Pte Ltd
Developer: So Funny Games
Release Date: 2021-06-29
Mobile Games, Android, iOS
Featuring battles between 100 players, a vast battle arena, and a cool customization system, Sausage Man is a battle royale game with hilarious elements that promises to give the genre a new feel. In addition to relying on gunplay with animated shots to realistic weapon models, the battle royale gameplay offered by Sausage Man allows you to perform crazy and creative actions in dominating the course of battle.
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