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The Most Picked/Banned and Unplayed Hero Recap in Epic League Division 1

EPIC League 2 769d4

After a month of the Epic League Division 1 tournament where the European and CIS teams fought. Let’s see what heroes are played the most, banned, and not played at all while waiting for the new patch!

The most frequently picked heroes

lina c39e4

Becoming the champion as the most played hero in Epic League Division 1 falls on Lina. A hero who is quite versatile, can be in positions that are generally in Middle, Support, and sometimes even in Offlane.

Lina’s strengths include her flexibility. No matter on any lane he can customize the build item for any situation. Like if the player wants Lina to be a hero to set-up a clash, she can make a classic Aether Lens, then go to Eul’s Scepter. If you want Lina to become a utility, you can make Urn, then Guardian Greaves, and finally if Lina wants to be made as a “Glass Canon”, you can make damage items such as Hurricane Pike, Desolator, Daedalus. This can be realized because Lina’s passive skill is Fiery Soul which adds Attack Speed ​​and Movement Speed ​​every time Lina uses a skill. Lina can even kill an opponent who has the Black King Bar due to her painful damage from every hit.

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The most frequently banned heroes

slardog 8b15e

Same as Lina but in a different context, namely the hero who gets banned the most is Slardar. During the Epic League event, Slardar was banned 213 times out of 290 games. The winrate of the 77 games where Slardar is played is quite large, namely 57%.

Slardar’s strength lies in the Laning Stage. With the Bash of the Deep skill, he can torture the enemy’s carry, especially if he adds support that has a disable skill. As a result, this laning is very damaged for enemy carry and makes Slardar successful in winning the laning stage. When he has Key Items such as Blink Dagger, he will rotate around the map, because he can increase the strength of his carry with Corrosive Haze towards the enemy. If the game goes on long enough, Slardar will become even more terrifying. Slardar can make items like Sange and Yasha, Black King Bar, Lotus Orb, even Aghanim’s Scepter. These items make Slardar have Immune, sick damage, and have extraordinary HP regen when they want to climb the enemy’s High Ground.

Hero never played in Epic League Division 1

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Throughout the journey of Epic League Division 1, there are several heroes that are not played at all. The heroes are Bounty Hunter, Dazzle, Huskar, Dragon Siren, Pudge and Tinker.

The weakness of these heroes is that they require sufficient Exp and Farm in order to inflict significant damage. And not only that, they are also easily countered with consistent wards where they farm, and steal or interfere when farming.

This patch shows how powerful it is Sven, Phantom Assassin, Faceless Void in games. Hopefully the next patch will have buffs for heroes that have never been played and nerf on heroes who become “Overpower”.

So, what do you think about Ligagamers, what will the next patch be like? Personally the hell I want Tinker in the buff! Be aware Tinker spammers! HA HA HA…

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