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2+ How to Login WhatsApp With an Inactive (Expired) Number

Want to know how to login WhatsApp with an inactive number? Surely you will panic if you can’t enter the WA account that you’ve been using.

WhatsApp has been used by billions of users, thus placing WhatsApp as the best instant messenger application.

Good here in all the access capabilities that can be provided in terms of security, beautiful appearance, convenience and speed.

Users also have no age limit, from toddlers to grandparents.

Some Features In WhatsApp That Are Widely Used

Talking about what features do you like the most when using WA? If the admin really likes the location share feature on WhatsApp.

Some of the features of WhatsApp that are widely used are:

1. Voicemail Features

When my friend is lazy to type a message, my friend can use voicemail … just talk at length while recording and sending.

2. Location Share feature

It is very easy, fun and makes one can’t lie to you.

Let’s just say you want to know your boyfriend’s activities.

You can tell your boyfriend to share his location with your friend so that wherever your boyfriend is active, you can know where he is.

3. Voice & Video Call Features

But there are cooler features that you use almost every day, namely voice calls and video calls, yes or no.

A very nice feature is being able to call cheaply using only the cellular data plan that you are using.

About 5 to 10 years from now, my friends and admins will only buy credit to buy a cellular data package.

What’s the point of calling and SMS using pulses if you use the data package that my friend has, these 2 things can already be used.

This is only for developing countries and developed countries, yes, with an even distribution of cellular networks in all regions.

And the good news is that the country of Indonesia where Beta was born and raised is a developing country.

The terms of using WhatsApp are also very easy, which only requires a phone number from the user.

How to Login WhatsApp Using an Inactive Number

The WA application supports all operating system platforms, both Android, IOS to Microsoft Windows.

The WhatsApp application can also be installed on a PC or laptop that you have all of this because WhatsApp issues WA Web.

You can also send video, audio, document, image files so that it helps your activities both at work and at home.

Just say when you find something new when you are active, just check and send it to your co-workers, relatives or your group.

How to login WhatsApp with a number that is already in the grace period

Back to the main topic of being able to login to WhatsApp using a number that is no longer active.

Inactive here means a phone number that can no longer be used to call and send SMS because the active period has expired but is still in the grace period.

The card grace period is usually 30 days, during this time you can use WhatsApp as usual so there’s nothing to worry about.

All you have to do is top up your credit before the grace period expires and WA can continue to be used again and again.

Oh yes, a phone number that is still able to receive calls and SMS within the grace period.

When you verify the WA number that you received via SMS, of course, there will be no problem.

It’s a different story if you can’t receive SMS and have to call WhatsApp.

Even though there is no charge for the call process, my friend can have problems because my friend is in the grace period.

So basically you can still login using a number that is no longer active but is still in the grace period.

And you can still receive SMS messages containing the WhatsApp login verification code.

How to log in to a WhatsApp account while your cellphone is stolen

Most HP users in Indonesia really like cellphones that have dual SIMs.

Even though it’s like that, most likely there is still one more cellphone that can be a feature phone or smartphone.

This is usually what is used as the main cellphone for SMS and phone calls.

Now, for those of you who register a WhatsApp account using an old phone number on a feature phone or smartphone, you don’t need to worry.

The cellphone that is lost is the cellphone that is indeed used for social media, while the cellphone that is used for SMS and calls remains safe with you.

The key to logging in to the old WhatsApp account or WhatsApp on the lost cellphone is to use the same phone number as on the lost cellphone and the SIM card is in your friend’s possession (this is mandatory).

And registering or logging into a WhatsApp account, the SIM card does not have to be on a cellphone that has WhatsApp installed.

The important thing is that the number is active enough, can receive SMS and phone messages from WhatsApp, so you won’t have problems logging into your WhatsApp account.

Can I login to my WhatsApp account while my cellphone is stolen?

The answer can still be provided on the condition that the SIM Card phone number registered to WhatsApp is not stolen.

Next, my friend just buys another smartphone type cellphone, then just log in to the old WhatsApp account.

Admin guarantees 1000% WhatsApp account along with chat data will return to my friend.

But don’t forget to also use the same email when backing up WhatsApp on a lost cellphone.

Can’t Login to the Lost Mobile WhatsApp Account and Sim Card?

Admin’s answer is no, friend.

The main key to login to a WhatsApp account must use a phone number that has been previously registered and this is obligatory.

Why mandatory? because when you try to log into your WhatsApp account on a lost cellphone using a new cellphone, there will definitely be a verification code via SMS message.

While the message is sent to the lost cellphone number so this is useless.

When my friend also tries another method, namely using the verification function via telephone, what WhatsApp calls is the number on the lost cellphone and again this is useless.

Is it possible to get WhatsApp data back on a lost cellphone along with the sim card?

It’s really sad, my friend, if we experience a loss of cellphone, especially if it’s the only cellphone and all important data is on the cellphone.

And it’s a shame the answer is that your WhatsApp data cannot be saved.

So the cell phone thief, my friend, can see all the contents of messages, pictures, videos, files on WhatsApp, my friend, as long as it’s not misused, it’s still better, my friend.

Why can’t the data be saved:

1. Because what is missing is a cellphone and SIM card

2. The mandatory requirement to be able to restore WhatsApp data is that you must be able to login to the WhatsApp account.

And when you log in, you have to enter a verification code while the verification code is not received because the message goes to the lost cellphone, as well as if you use a call.

3. What is more painful is that the data that is backed up is stored in a Google Drive account.

While the backup results that are on Google Drive can’t download at all, let alone open the contents.

So in the end you can only surrender and create a new WhatsApp account with a new cellphone and inform your new WhatsApp account to your relatives, friends and co-workers.

Can the Mobile Thief See the Contents of All WhatsApp Chats and Media?

The answer is that it depends on what configuration you have done.

The following admin describes in a simple way so that it is easy for you to understand.

1. If you don’t do the configuration Two-Step Verification in the WhatsApp application, the thief can read and browse through your WhatsApp content.

But if my friend has applied Two-Step Verification then it can be said to be quite safe.

Yes it is quite safe if Two-Step Verification has appeared, because the time of its appearance can not be ascertained.

But what is clear is that when the verification has appeared on WhatsApp, you need a PIN to continue to be able to open the WhatsApp application.

If the PIN is not entered then WhatsApp cannot be opened.

2. If you lock the WhatsApp application, Admin can say it is quite safe if the thief is only trying to open the WhatsApp application.

But if he also tries to view WhatsApp data through the File Manager, your position becomes insecure because WhatsApp data has been successfully viewed.

Why is that, because in general if someone locks an application, only certain applications are locked.

And from the lock application also does not recommend locking all applications because the fall is the decision of the user.

3. If you want all your WhatsApp data to be completely safe then all you have to do is lock the WhatsApp application & do the following Two-Step Verification.

Also lock all applications that can be used to open WhatsApp data.

Such as the File Manager application lock, Gallery, Music, Video, Record, document opening applications such as WPS Office and the like.

Admin advice just lock all the applications that you use to get the best security.

4. Don’t forget to lock too Lock Screen HP buddy by using a difficult password.

5. All the things you do above will be in vain if all your WhatsApp data or other files are stored on an external memory or MicroSD.

Because the thief simply removes the MicroSD and then installs it on the Card Reader and opens it using a laptop or computer.

So because of the things above, currently the internal memory on a large cellphone is nothing but to prevent or narrow down crimes.

Overcoming Login Failed Using an Inactive Number

When you are faced with this problem, all you need to do is take your vehicle, if you want to use a bicycle, motorbike, car, please go to the branch location of the cellular provider that you are using.

Later, my friend, just tell CS to reactivate your number.

The things you need to bring are ID cards, SIM cards and money, in the process some are free and some are paid.

Paying here is not a new card administration, but rather you are required to buy a data package that will be activated directly to your number.

If your number is active again, immediately verify your WhatsApp and you can return to using your WhatsApp.

Those were some ways to login to Whatsapp with an inactive number.

You can find the one that you think is the easiest and fastest way to do it.

I hope the article How to login WhatsApp with an inactive number this can help all of you.

Please also share this article on your social media. Good luck!

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