5 Differences Resident Evil 3 Remake With Resident Evil 3 Original

5 Differences Resident Evil 3 Remake With Resident Evil 3 Original – Many gamers around the world may know about this game made by Capcom, namely Resident Evil.
Last year, Capcom released Resident Evil 2 Remake and managed to reap a lot of success and awards. As if to repeat the previous success, this year Capcom is back doing a remake for the Resident Evil 3 series.
Resident Evil 3 Remake is planned to be released on April 3, 2021. Now before tasting the gameplay, let’s discuss the comparison between Resident Evil 3 remake and the original version. What do you want to know? Let’s see!
5 Differences Resident Evil 3 Remake With Resident Evil 3 Original:
1. Carlos Oliveira’s New Look
Because Capcom is now using RE Engine For the latest games, all Resident Evil 3 Remake character designs are certainly subject to changes. And the most significant change is the design of the Carlos Oliveira. The Carlos remake’s design is completely different from the original series, because the design is very similar to Rambo’s. Maybe Carlos’ design was made in such a way because Carlos was a trained mercenary, because of that, he had to have the appearance of a soldier too.
2. Contribution From Mikhail Victor
UBCS’s squad leader, Mikhail Victor, in the original version, didn’t get a role at all because he was already badly injured and could only lie on the train. While in this remake version, Mikhail only gets minor injuries, and becomes an important role besides Carlos to help Jill go to Clock Tower. Even though in the end he died with Nemesis too.
3. Robert Kendo Appears In Resident Evil 3 Remake
Robert Kendo is a shop owner and weapon maker for STARS members in Raccoon City. Actually Kendo only appeared in Resident Evil 2 and never appeared in the original Resident Evil 3 version. However, when the latest Resident Evil 3 Remake trailer appeared, surprisingly, Kendo appeared in the scene and helped Jill as well. Does Kendo get an important role or is it just a cutscene sweetener? We’ll see when it’s released.
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4. Drain Deimos and Hunter Gamma are getting more and more ferocious
Drain Deimos is a flea infected with the T-Virus during the virus outbreak that occurred in Raccoon City. In the original version, this monster attacks by hugging and sucking Jill’s blood like a flea. But in the remake version, this monster’s attack becomes an instant kill because this monster not only sucks blood, but it also puts its eggs inside Jill’s body and hatches while destroying Jill’s body as well.
While Hunter Gamma is Umbrella’s failed experiment from a frog. The only difference between the remake and the original is the size. Which is where the original version, Hunter Gamma has a standard size but is very fast. But in the remake version, he has a very large size.
5. Nemesis
Nemesis is the result of Umbrella’s successful experiment of the T-103 virus. In the original version, Nemesis is a nightmare for Jill and the players who play it. How not, from the beginning to the end of the game he will always chase Jill wherever he goes. But in the remake version, Nemesis is made as aggressive as possible in chasing Jill, from running, jumping to using weapons to kill Jill. Will Nemesis in this remake exceed your nightmares? We’ll see when it’s released.
So that’s a significant difference between Resident Evil 3 remake and the original version. For Resident Evil game lovers, you must try this game.
5 Facts about Jill Valentine Returning to Rcccon City in RE3 Remake
Resident Evil 3 Demo: Where to Find All the Mr Charlie Dolls
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