5 Ways to Overcome Online Game Addiction in 3-5 Years Old Children

Online game addiction should not be left alone. Do any of you have children or siblings or nephews who are addicted to online games? If so, it should not be left alone. Indeed, the child looks calm at home with their gadgets. But it turns out that it actually endangers the health of the child, you know, Gaess! You must quickly overcome the child’s addiction, Gaess. Here Gamexran will provide information on how to overcome online game addiction in children.
1. Reduce gaming time
To do this, you have to do it gradually. Make an agreement with the child about how long they can play with the gadget every day. If necessary, you can set an alarm to remind the child that their playing time is up.

Remember, Gaess, you can’t be rude to kids who are addicted to online games. Moreover, snatching the gadget from the child’s hand because he did not want to let it go. The child might even throw a tantrum and cry uncontrollably.
2. Choose a game that can be played with the family
Playing games with family can reduce children’s addiction to online games. Remembering that playing games with family actually makes us remember the time. Moreover, the child can also be supervised by the games they play.
Playing games with family can also strengthen the relationship between the child and his parents or family, Gaess. The more often he communicates with his family, the better isn’t it.
3. Doing fun activities
To reduce children’s playing time with their gadgets, you can invite the child to play outside. Such as going to the park, going shopping, watering plants, and other fun activities.

Of course this will make the child forget the gadget. As well as being a means for the child to learn with his environment.
4. Avoid games that have a high addiction rate
There are lots of games that the child can play. You have to know the types of these games that might be addictive for the child. You can forbid them to play the game and switch them to another game.
It should also be noted that each game has an age limit. Addiction to online games is also caused by the child playing games that are not his age. So don’t let the child even play games that are not appropriate for his age.
5. Give conditions before playing the game
Having previously set the play time, now is the time to set the conditions if the child wants to play gadgets. It can also teach the child how to manage his time. In addition, in this way you also teach the child about priorities.

At number 5 we can get two things. They will learn that doing the more important things first can be fun. Like having to do homework first before you can play gadgets. And the child’s online game addiction will be eroded little by little.
Now. Those are 5 ways to overcome online game addiction in children. If your child, sister or nephew shows signs of online game addiction, immediately address it. Because the impact of this online game addiction can be very dangerous if you let it go.
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