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7 Facts about The Last of Us Part II that you must know

The curiosity of fans about The Last of Us Part II finally cured through the show State of Play which aired Thursday morning yesterday. In this event, Naughty Dog shared information through a trailer. Even Naughty Dog gave some outside media the opportunity to try out the gameplay directly.

In this article, GameFever ID will summarize some facts The Last of Us Part II what you must know. We summarize these facts based on information from the trailer and existing gameplay. So just take a look.

1. Now Ellie can crawl.

Yeay! Now Ellie can crawl on her stomach.

The Last of Us Part II, Ellie becomes a playable character who now has agile movements. In fact he can finally crawl (crawl) to hide in the bushes for example. This crawling movement will certainly be more useful to incapacitate the opponent secretly (stealth)

2. No need to worry about Shiv getting damaged.

Shiv who is now indestructible.

Through the existing gameplay videos, Ellie’s Shiv now doesn’t have durability aka cannot be destroyed. So players don’t have to worry about being attacked by a Clicker.

3. Awesome graphic details.

The details offered by The Last of Us Part II are no joke.

graphic problem, The Last of Us Part II will certainly offer the best and spoil the eyes of players

4. Still fighting the human faction

The human faction was still Ellie’s enemy.

As before, in The Last of Us Part II Ellie also has to face the human faction. But this time the enemy is an organization called the Washington Liberation Front (WLF – Wolves).

5. The motive of revenge

What does Dinah mean?

The motive for revenge seems to be the backdrop for Ellie’s adventures in The Last of Us Part II. It is said that Ellie will launch an action of revenge because the person she loves is killed. Who is the person in question?

6. AI is now “human”

The AI ​​that now has an identity

According to media colleagues who tried the gameplay, AI The Last of Us Part II will look human. The reason is because now each of them now has an identity such as a name for example. So if a comrade is killed, the other comrade will shout his name.

7. Watch out for fierce dogs!

Watch out for fierce dogs!

Not only para Infected and the human faction, in The Last of Us Part II Ellie gets a new challenge which is a guard dog. This guard dog has the ability to smell Ellie’s presence and is ready to lead the guard to catch Ellie.

Of course, this is still just a fact that we took from the trailer and the experience of media partners who shared their experiences from playing gameplay TThe Last of Us Part II. What is certain is that we have to be more patient to wait until The Last of Us Part II Released on February 21, 2021.

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