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[Review] Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Impressed Half hearted

“You’re the best looking guy here”

Rinoa – Final Fantasy VIII

Do you still remember Rinoa’s words when Squall and his classmates passed the SeeD exam and joined the dance party held by their school? Square Enix officially launches the Remastered version of Final Fantasy VIII recently. Square Enix really makes Squall very handsome which you can see in some of the results of reviews that exist in cyberspace.

Squall who now looks handsome.

In review this time, I will not discuss the storyline, gameplay, as well as existing songs. Final Fantasy VIII Remastered This official game made by Square Enix only provides new graphics for each character and also features Guardian Force or commonly called GF. There are no changes to the storyline or content from the original version. So in my opinion, it does not need to be discussed in this review.

Just for info, review Final Fantasy VIII Remastered I play via Nintendo Switch.

Half-hearted remaster?

Rinoa and Squall’s first meeting for the first time.

You may be familiar with the picture above. When I play FFVIII first, this scene made me fall in love with Rinoa. Rinoa’s character really describes my version of the ideal woman at that time. Even though the face and body are still in shape pixelated aka checkbox.

FFVIII Remastered only provides HD graphics for each character and NPC in the game. When I first played this version, I was confused as to why the background was visible blurry. From there I realized that Square Enix allowed the narration or full motion video (FMV) and game backgrounds as they used to be on the PlayStation console. The difference may only be in the graphic quality of the characters.

The old FMV that is still used with HD character graphics.

Of course this disappointed me. I really thought I could see the world FFVIII with HD graphics that can give a nostalgic sensation in the old junior high school era.

Responsibility resolution.

Not only graphics, resolution also getsremastered“. It turns out that this Nintendo Switch vdi, FFVIII Remastered only has one resolution which is 4:3. This again left me confused and shocked. I’ve always wondered why Square Enix did everything so halfway.

Incomplete resolution on Nintendo Switch screen

Not only on Switch, FFVIII Remastered also available on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One. All platforms support 16:9 to 4K resolutions. But why does Square Enix only provide 4:3 options? Are they too lazy? Of course, many are concerned about the availability of this resolution option. I even saw the disappointment of the players they spilled in the review column FFVIII Remastered on Steam. Playing a game with 4:3 resolution in this day and age must not be good, right?

The important thing is to be able to“cheats”

Apart from the problem of graphics and resolutions that are all-in-one, Square Enix adds features “cheats” which the players can use. For console users, players can activate cheats like nothing Random Encounter, ATB (Active Time Battle) that is always and filled, limit breaks that can be used continuously until the game can be accelerated up to three times.

The three red boxes on the left are features cheats which can be used.

I personally don’t really like this feature, especially which can speed up the game by up to three times. I think this feature makes the game graphics visible blurry.

The PC version itself has additional exclusive cheats such as Max Gil, Max Magic which of course will greatly facilitate new players. Yes, although this method is indeed a cheat.


Although beyond my expectations, FFVIII Remastered is still very much worth playing. Especially for those of you who have never played FFVIII because it is one of the Final Fantasy series that must be played in my opinion.

In my opinion, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is only present as a place of nostalgia for some players who may miss the adventures of Squall and his friends. With a better character display than the original version, it can make new and old players love this game again. I also hope that Square Enix’s move is a form of introduction for new players who don’t know anything at all FFVIII.

Even though it looks half-hearted in doing it, Square Enix can be said to have succeeded in spoiling the fans Final Fantasy hard-line. Although it occurred to me, why didn’t they release the DLC for Final Fantasy VIII which was previously released long before the Remastered version was talked about, wouldn’t that make players more economical?

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