7 Funko Pops Rare Pokemon in the World, Must Know!

7 Funko Pops Rare Pokemon in the World – Funko pops collector? You should know the following list of rarest Pokemon funko pops.
Are you a collector? funko pops Or a big fan of Pokemon? If so, then you must see the list from Gamexran below. Curious? Check out the information on the 7 rarest pokemon funko pops below.
There are many objects that you can collect, one of which is Pokemon funko pops. This one object can be a collection that is very high in price. This is because some of them do have a rarity value because they are unique or even in limited numbers.
7 of the rarest Funko Pops Pokemon
1. Vaporeon (Diamond Glitter)
Funko Pops The first rare Pokemon is Vaporeon. This is a special edition Vaporeon because of its glitter-filled appearance. This Funko Pops Vaporeon also has a limited number of productions and has 4 special sticker variants. READ ALSO: 15 Rare & Most Valuable Funko Pops For Investment
2. Mewtwo (Flocked) [SDCC]
Pokemon Mewtwo is quite popular among loyal Pokemon fans. So when the funko pops version was released at San Diego Comic-Con in 2021, a lot of fans were trying to get it.
The value of Mewtwo’s funko pops went up because those who managed to get their hands on these funko pops didn’t want to resell them. Indirectly this resulted in the price going up and making it difficult for other fans who arrived late to have it. READ ALSO: 7 Rare PS2 Games Most Wanted & Expensive
3. Blooming Curiosity Pikachu
Blooming Curiosity is part of the A Dat with Pikachu collection and is currently the most expensive Funko Pops Pokemon. With its limited time exclusivity and number of availability, Blooming Curiosity is the rarest funko pops as well as a must for funko pops collectors.
4. Charmander (10-Inch) [SDCC Debut]
In addition to its super large size. These Funko pops are also part of the Target special edition. In addition, there are special stickers that you can collect from the box.
This 10 inch or 25 cm Funko Pops Charmander was once valued at $100 on an auction site. So there’s a chance that if you keep it, the value of Charmander’s funko pops will continue to increase. READ ALSO: 5 Nintendo Games Rare, Most Wanted and Expensive
5. Vulpix (Flocked) [SDCC]
At the 2021 San Diego Comic-Con event, there was a limited number of rare funko pops pokemon to buy. Vulpix. Due to the limited number of them, many fans who are trying to get it are willing to pay a much higher price to own this Vulpix funko pops. READ ALSO: 5 Most Expensive Pokemon Cards, The Prices Are Unreasonable
6. Bulbasaur (10-Inch)
Bulbasaur is another large funko pops that is becoming very rare. These Funko pops are also a special limited edition of Target.
What makes Bulbasaur funko pops expensive is that those who own them don’t want to resell them. This is what causes the value to be high and difficult to find.
7. Pikachu (18-Inch)
Who says oversized funko pops can’t be expensive collectibles? This 18-inch Funko Pops Pokemon Pikachu managed to become an expensive funko pops. Not only because of its super large size. However, it also has a limited number. READ ALSO: 10+ Most Expensive Games on PlayStore, The Price Reaches IDR 5.5 Million
That’s a list of the 7 rarest Pokemon funko pops that you must know. How? Maybe those of you who are in Indonesia will find it difficult to get the Pokemon funko pops. Source: Gamerant.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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