Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sold 1 Million Coffee Per Day!
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of the exclusive games on the Nintendo Switch that has been booming recently. Yes, it’s no wonder your social media homepage is being flooded with Animal Crossing: New Horizons right now. This game that makes you have to build a city and collect residents is indeed very interesting to play. Moreover, it offers a very unique real-time system in it.
What’s more, the presence of COVID-19 has made this one game sell well in the market. In addition, the limited stock makes this game always run out and makes the price soar far from normal. Of course this makes many gamers curious about how many units were sold for the console and the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons itself.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons sold 13 million units!

As predicted, the sales figures for this game are fantastic. Well, Nintendo has recently shared the latest data regarding their sales. Now, the sales figures for the Nintendo Switch console itself have now touched 55.77 million units through data that was closed on March 31, 2020. Fantastic again, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is known to have sold 13.41 million after 6 weeks of its release.
Sold 1 million units per day!

Interestingly, 11 million units of the total number were recorded in just 11 days of release. At least, Animal Crossing: New Horizons sold more than 1 million units in just 1 day. This is certainly a fantastic achievement achieved by Nintendo with their exclusive games.
Until now, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is still one of Nintendo’s best-selling games released recently. Will this game be released on other platforms? Of course this is not impossible. What do you think about this? Give your feedback below.
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