Pro League of Legends is starting to understand Teamfight Tactics!
In a stream last night. William ‘Scarra’ Li, a former mid-laner for the Dignitas squad, has been trying out the new mode with a group of friends. The fight was nearing its end, and Scarra used a strategy that focused Shyvana. and equip him with two Guinsoo’s Rageblades to increase attack speed, and Bloodthirster for a little lifesteal.
In addition, Scarra protected the Half-Dragon with another Dragon and Shapeshifter hero. This means, if Shyvana activates a skill and turns into a dragon, she will receive immunity to magic damage and her HP will be doubled. Even though Scarra’s opponent was dominant at the start of the fight, Shyvana survived long enough for Rageblade to make her attack speed increase drastically. He is so fast that even character animation cannot follow the speed of the insects.
Enemies Gnar and Lulu pose a threat, but Shyvana becomes too strong for her to kill 6 out of 8 enemies, mostly without the help of other units.
Teamfight Tactics just launched a few days ago, and is now one of the top streaming games on Twitch. Unfortunately, game interactions like this won’t last long as Riot places a lot of emphasis on details like this, and some balance changes are already designed for future patches. Ranked mode is also expected for the 9.14 League of Legends patch.
Source – PCGamesN
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