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Build Items Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends The Most Painful + Savage + The Strongest 2021

Want to know about building item gear for Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends, the Strongest, Auto Savage Top Global Tuturu? Hanabi is a female hero who looks like a ninja. With her hair tied with a red ribbon and a ponytail.

Even though Hanabi looks like a ninja, she is not an Assassin type Hero but a Marksman. With his weapon named Higanbana in the form of a suriken with 2 blades.

This Marksman Hero is a late game Hero, which means that Hanabi can maximize her strength when she has entered more than level 10 and already has at least 4 build items.

Maybe you will have a hard time at the beginning, but when the late game takes place, especially when Hanabis is at Max level with build items that are quite capable of defeating up to 3 enemies at once.

For this discussion, here will provide some information about the Hanabi build that provides high Damage and Lifesteal.

Then a discussion about the skills, Emblems, Spell/Ability, and how to use this Hanabi Hero. this is the most painful, savage, strongest item for mobile legends Hanabi.

Build Item Gear Hanabi Full Damage & Painful Lifesteal

Hanabi is a Mobile Legends Hero with the type of long-range attack and must be covered when the war takes place at the beginning of the game because this Hanabi way to play is to enter the late game in order to maximize his strength.

If you want to make this Marksman-type Hanabi have high Damage and Lifesteal power, then you can follow the recommendations for the Sickest and Strongest Hanabi gear build item below:

1. Gear ‘Swift Boot’s’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 1

The first and foremost item is to buy this Swift Boot’s. This item will increase the status of +15% Attack Speed ​​and add +40 Movement Speed. Suitable for prefix killing minions or just for jungle.

2. Gear ‘Scarlet Phantom’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 2

Second, buy a Scarlet Phantom. Buying this item will add +30 Physical Attack, 40% Attack Speed, and + 10% Crit. Strike Chance. With his passive gives 25% Attack Speed ​​and Crit. Strike Rate 5% to Hero for 3 seconds.

Coupled with buying the previous item, namely Swift Boot’s, so that it deals damage to enemies quickly because Hanabi’s Attack Speed ​​is also increasing.

3. Gear ‘Endless Battle’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 3

Third, is the Endless Battle item. This item adds +65 Physical Attack, +25 Mana Regen, +250 HP, +10% Cooldown Reduction, 5% Movement Speed, +15% Lifesteal.

The uniqueness of this item is that after using the skill, the next Basic Attack will give an additional 85% of Physical Attack as true Damage.

This effect has a cooldown time of 1.5 seconds, then after the divine effect activates the hero’s speed increases by 15%.

4. Gear ‘Berserker’s Fury’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 4

Fourth, is the Bersekers Fury item which will add +65 Physical Attack, +25% Crit. Strike Chance.

For uniqueness will add +40% Crit. Damage and passive is Crit. Hit will increase the Hero’s Physical Attack by 5% for 3 seconds. With this item, it is useful to increase the Power or Damage of the Hero’s attack.

5. Gear ‘Rose Gold Meteor’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 5

Fifth, by purchasing the Rose Gold Meteor item, it can be said that this is a new item in the Hero item shop. With this item will add +60 Physical Attack, +30 Magic RES, +5% Lifesteal.

And can be a shield that can absorb 510 – 1350 Damage (Increases with level when HP is below (+0%) and the effect has a second Cooldown of 30.

6. Gear ‘Blade of Despair’

Build Gear Hanabi Mobile Legends 6

This last item will be the cover for Hanabi’s full build which will add +170% Physical Attack, 10% Attack Speed. With his passive inflicts an additional 10% of enemy damage on each abnormal attack.

The Uses & Skills of the Deadly Hero Hanabi Mobile Legends

Then what are Hanabi’s skills and heroes and how to use them? see our explanation below.

Hanabi’s Passive Skill: Malefic Gun

Hanabi Mobile Legends Malefic Gun Passive Skill

Basic attacks and abilities will deal more damage to ranged-type targets, increasing from 100% to 130% at most.

Hanabi’s 1st Skill: Malefic Bomb

Skill 1 Hanabi Mobile Legends Malefic Bomb

  • Cooldown: 5.5 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 40

Fires an Energy Bomb forward which will deal 20 (+80% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to the first enemy hit.

Skill 2 Hanabi: Void Projectile

Skill 2 Hanabi Mobile Legends Void Projectile

  • Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 65

Shoots an energy ball that explodes at the enemy target’s leg, dealing 170 (+65% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to the target and nearby enemies, also slowing them 60% for 2 seconds. The range of this ability will increase with level.

Hanabi’s Ultimate Skill: Destruction Rush

Ultimate Skill Hanabi Mobile Legends Destruction Rush

  • Cooldown: 37.0 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 130

Fires an Energy Cannon that deals 500 (+150% Total Physical Attack) points of Physical Damage to enemies in front of it. Every time this skill is upgraded it will increase the basic attack distance by 0.4 yards.

Use of Emblems on the Strongest Hanabi Mobile Legends Hero

Hanabi is a Fighter-type Hero, so the Emblem set uses a Physical Emblem. If your Physical Emblem level has reached level 30, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Hanabi Mobile Legends 1

  1. Vitality
  2. Firmness
  3. Shield
  4. Swift
  5. Bravery
  6. Fatal
  7. And passive Emblem use Life Drain (if Emblem level reaches level 20),Open Fire (if Emblem level reaches level 30).

Another emblem that is specific to Marksman-type heroes is to use the Marskman Emblem. If your Marskman Emblem level has reached level 40, it is recommended to use the talent sequence below:

Build Emblem Hanabi Mobile Legends 2

  1. Bravery
  2. Greed
  3. Fatal
  4. Swift
  5. Mastery
  6. Doom
  7. And passive Emblem use Weapon Master (If Emblem level reaches level 20), Hot Pursuit (if Emblem level reaches level 30), and Weakness Finder (if Emblem level reaches level 40).

Spell or Ability That Matches Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends

Hanabi can be combined with various kinds of spells, it all depends on the needs and the field of competition, if I was then I would prefer Flicker hehe.

1. Flicker

Spell Lesley Mobile Legends 1

Choose a Spell or Flicker ability that will teleport straight ahead so that you will avoid being chased by enemies if your skills are all cooldown.

Tips Flicker across the stone wall, so the enemy will rotate first if chasing you.

2. Inspire

Spell Hanabi Mobile Legends 2

The second recommended spell or ability for Hanabi is Inspire. This spell or ability function will increase 8 Basic Attacks and increase your Hero’s Attack Speed ​​by 55% for 5 seconds.

3. Retribution

Spell Hanabi Mobile Legends 3

The third recommended spell or ability for Hanabi is Retribution. This spell or ability will give 600-1440 to forest monsters or to minions and to be reused you have to wait for Cooldown for 30 seconds.

In addition if you want to use Retribuiton, the first item you buy is Raptor Machete.

This item adds +30 Physical Attack, +15% Physicah PEN and of course you can retribution your opponent or enemy Hero whose effect will reduce the Movement Speed ​​​​of the target or opponent by 70% for 3 seconds.

Tips for Using Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends, the Sickest, Strongest, Savage

For the strategy of using this Hanabi Hero, there are several things you should pay attention to. Here are some tips that you can learn to use Hero Hanabi smoothly.

How to Use Hero Hanabi in Mobile Legends

1. Hanabi Focus Don’t Die Early

At the beginning, just focus on pushing minions and do just enough jungle. Do not be careless or provoke the enemy to fight.

Try not to get killed or even become a feeder, because if you are in a war you will definitely lose to the opposing team, because Marksman should be the biggest Damge giver during the war.

2. Use Skill 1 Enough

Skill 1 Hanabi can, but the lack of it really drains your mana. So you have to use skill 1 sufficiently.

For example, when dealing with 1 line or 4 minions, use skill 1 to kill 2 minions and if there are only 2 left, turn off your 1st skill.

And it is MANDATORY not to use skill 1 only to defeat only one enemy/monster/minions.

3. Hanabi Patiently Holds Until the Late Game

How to Use Hero Hanabi Mobile Legends 2

Hanabi is a Marksman who can be said to be a late game Hero. Therefore, it is recommended to keep your distance, hold on, and stay focused on the push until the late game takes place.

You might be able to feel it yourself when you try this Hero, its strength will be maximized when the late game takes place.

With skill 1, Hanabi will get more than 1 Lifesteal at the same time and accompanied by high damage during the late game.

4. Slowly But Surely

Don’t worry if you lose the level of the enemy Marksman. Just try not to die the most important thing and always be vigilant and keep your distance.

Because that way during the Late Game you will be able to act to help your team. The most important thing is for keep your distance, do some farming, and try not to die.

Some Hero Weaknesses of Hero Hanabi Mobile Legends

Hero Hanabi will be quite difficult when dealing with the hero below, what hero is it?

1. Hero Lancelot

For Assassins, this is indeed a scourge for Hanabi, because the lancelot skills that attack by advancing against the enemy are Hanabi’s weaknesses.

There are also no Hanabi skills that are able to slow down when the enemy attacks except for the Ulti skill and that if it is hit. Especially Lance who attacked quickly.

How to Deal with Lancelot

The only way to deal with Lancelot is to keep your distance and pay attention to his used skills.

And when the timing is right you can attack Lancelot, but if Lancelot runs away don’t ever be chased because Lancelot only gives time so that the cooldown of his skill is up and then you can be countered.

Or you don’t go solo to face Lancelot, wait for your partner to war together and with the right timing.


That’s the hero ML Hanabi, do you like this hero? hopefully the build gear above can be useful and add power from Hanabi to make it more deadly and sick when attacking enemies.

Marksman type heroes are indeed quite strong in the late game, but need support from other team members to cover this hero, it takes a tanker or fighter to always be together with Hanabi.

If you feel that the Hanabi ML build gear item above is quite deadly and strong, don’t forget to share this article with your friends… greetings auto savage.

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