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Here's How Monster Hunter: World Board Game Version Looks

Not a few video games are eventually adapted into other games, such as board games for example. Call it like Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls, until Resident Evil 2. Now there is one more popular video game that will get a board game version, namely Monster Hunter: World. This game by Capcom will decorate the tables of board game fans around the world.

Also Read: Horizon Zero Dawn Will Have a Board Game Version!

In fact, Monster Hunter: World this version of the board game was introduced last year. But this year, the project is finally getting started. Project Monster Hunter: World the board game version will be done by Steamforged which is a veteran board game maker. Steamforged’s experience in making board games from video games is no joke. Call it like Horizon Zero Dawn, Dark Souls, until Resident Evil 2 who already got the board game version from Steamforged. In addition, there are also many board games created by Steamforged itself.

According to the Dicebreaker website, Steamforged will start raising funds on Kickstarter to start the board game version of the Monster Hunter: World project. The campaign will start on April 20-30 next. If you are interested, you can visit the Kickstarter page at here.

Unfortunately, there is no date yet Monster Hunter World: The Board Game will be released to the market. Are you interested in buying it?

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