Hide And Disable FF Icon Feature Functions
Server advance is one way for developers to easily provide leaks and test upcoming updates regarding bugs or functions. As we know, Free Fire does frequently update the game.
This time the developer will present a feature that is quite unique, namely Hide and Disable icons. What is the use of this feature? Instead of being curious, let’s continue to read the following reviews!
Hide And Disable Icon FF

But not all icons can be removed such as prone icon, emote, pet emote and several other buttons. Although this feature looks trivial, this feature will add to your comfort when playing.
Although basically you can reduce the size of the button, but still the button will be annoying if you don’t use it, it can even cause a missclick. So this feature can make your game more flexible and maximal.
Release of Hide And Disable Icon FF

For the release itself, this feature is only available for advanced servers and there is no certainty when it will be released for the original server. In addition there are many updates that are present on the advance server. So for those of you who have registered for an advanced server account, you can immediately try this feature.
What do you think about the presence of this feature, will it be very helpful or not helpful at all? Don’t forget to write your opinion! For those of you who don’t want to miss interesting information about the game world, don’t forget to keep updating information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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