How to Get Deadpool Skin in Fortnite

Fortnite Season 2 has started. In season 2, Fortnite immediately added challenges to its players. In this third week, the players are given a challenge. Players who successfully complete the challenge will get a Deadpool skin. Then how to complete the Deadpool challenge or what how to get deadpool skin in fortnite season 2.
To start this challenge, you are asked to head to Deadpool’s secret hideout located in HG. To find a hiding place Deadpool, simply go through the accessible hole in the main room.
To begin this challenge, Fortnite players must first head to Deadpool’s secret hideout in HQ. To find Deadpool’s hideout, simply go through the accessible hole in the main room. Once inside, you’ll see that Deadpool is actually there, but there’s nothing to do with him for now. Instead you have to click the button to start the challenge Deadpool Challenges Week 3.
Here’s how to get deadpool skin in fortnite season 2:
1. Find the Deadpool Vacuum Cleaner
The first challenge you have to do is find toilet vacuum cleaner Deadpool. Go to the Agent room and click on TNTina. The vacuum cleaner is located on the right side of the wall, just above the refrigerator. However, there is a bug where you can’t click on the vacuum cleaner. If you experience this bug, you must exit the room and then enter again. You may do this several times until you click on the toilet vacuum cleaner.
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2. Destroy Toilet
After getting the toilet vacuum, the next challenge is smash 3 toilets. You can find toilets in many buildings in the Fortnite map, especially residential houses. Or an easy way to complete this Fortnite Deadpool challenge is to land on Pleasant Park and go from house to house, destroying toilets until the challenge is over.
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So that’s how to get Deadpool skins in Fortnite. Or how to complete Deadpool’s week three challenge in Fortnite. Easy isn’t it to get completed these challenges? Fortnite is now out for iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
Source: Gamerant
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