How to Get Guide to Diligence in Genshin Impact

How to Get Guide to Diligence in Genshin Impact – Want to improve your talent? Here’s how to get Guide to Diligence Genshin Impact easily.
There are several materials that you need to increase the talent or talent of each character. Previously, Gamexran discussed how to get Prosperity in Genshin Impact. Now Gamexran will discuss about how to get Guide to Diligence.
To get material for increasing talent or talent on this one is almost the same way as getting Prosperity, Gaess. Instead of you wondering how and where to get it. Please read carefully the following Gamexran discussion.
How to Get Guide to Diligance in Genshin Impact
Guide to Diligence also has 3 levels or tiers, namely: Teachings of Diligence, Guide to Diligence and Philosophies of Diligence. Teachings of Diligence is the lowest level of all. Meanwhile, Guide to Diligence is in the second position or in the middle. And the Philosophies of Diligence is at the very top. READ ALSO: 50 Starsilver Genshin Impact Locations, Here’s the FULL Location!
Important! For you to know that Diligence This set can only be used to level up Ganyu, Chongyun, Hu Tao, Xiangling and geo-spec of the Traveler characters.
How to Get Guide to Diligence:
There is only one main way to get Guide Diligence in Genshin Impact, namely through the ruler’s domain Taisha Mansion located in the center of Jueyun Karst. Just like other talent materials, you can only get them on 3 days: Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. READ ALSO: How to get Genshin Impact Electro Crystals
You will face Large Pyro Slimes with Pyro Abyss Mages at low levels. As well as Blazing Ax Mitachurls with Fatui Pyro Agents at higher levels. Therefore, Gamexran recommends that you use Cyro or Hydro characters to defeat them.
When you successfully complete a domain, you will get a reward based on the level of difficulty or level you have chosen. You can have tiers or levels if you meet the Adventure Rank requirements. READ ALSO: The 2 Best Build Options of Tartaglia or Childe on Genshin Impact
- You will get Teachings and Guides of Diligence at the lowest level.
- Philosophies of Diligence, at the highest level.
Is there any other way to get Guide of Diligence or other Diligence set, min? Of course there is. You can participate in various events with a fairly limited time such as the Contending Tides Arena or the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass. Both of these events allow you to obtain a set of Talent Ascension materials.
That’s how to get Guide of Diligence in Genshin Impact easily. How? Did you guys understand? READ ALSO: How to Get Deathmatch Weapon Genshin Impact
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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Thank you.
About the author: @ransltn
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