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How to Get Prosperity in Genshin Impact, Easy!

how to get prosperity in genshin impact

How to Get Prosperity in Genshin Impact, Easy! – Confused? Here Gamexran tells you how to get Prosperity Genshin Impact easily.

Genshin Impact has a pretty great talent system. This system will determine how effective the attack, elemental skill and elemental burst of each character is. You can level up this talent enhancement system through materials that you can farm in various domains that you can find throughout the Genshin Impact map.

For those of you who are confused about how to get Prosperity material on Genshin Impact. Here Gamexran will explain to you how to get Prosperity. Read this information carefully!

How to Get Prosperity Genshin Impact

how to get prosperity in genshin impact

Previously Gamexran wanted to explain to you that it is the same as any other talent enhancement material. Prosperity divided into three levels or tiers, namely: READ ALSO: 50 Starsilver Genshin Impact Locations, Here’s the FULL Location!

    1. Philosophies of Prosperity.
    2. Guide to Prosperity.
    3. Teachings of Prosperity.

There is only one main way to get get to Prosperity in Genshin Impact. You can get Prosperity from the ruler Taisha Mansion which is in the center of Jueyun Karst. As with other upgrade materials, you will get a limited set of Prosperity materials on certain days. To Prosperity Taisha Mansion, you can get Prosperity on Monday, Thursday and Sunday. READ ALSO: How to Get Deathmatch Weapon Genshin Impact

There are 4 levels of difficulty that you can choose when trying Taisha Mansion. Levels are unlocked based on your rank and depending on the level you choose. In addition, the difficulty of the enemy and the rewards you receive will also match the level.

At level 1-3, Gamexran recommends you to use Cryo or Hydro characters. This is because at levels 1-3, you will be faced with a large Pyro slime and one Pyro abyss mage per round. At level 4, you will face blazing ax mitachurls and fatui pyro agents. READ ALSO: How to Make a Genshin Impact Warming Bottle

  1. At level 1, you will get Teachings of Prosperity.
  2. Level 2, the domain will eliminate Teaching of Prosperity with the possibility of providing Guide to Prosperity.
  3. Level 3, you will get you will get both Teachings of Prosperity and Guide to Prosperity.
  4. At level 4 you will get Teachings and Guides to Prosperity. And there is a possibility that you can also get the Philosophies of Prosperity.

You also have to use 20 original resins after completing the domain to get rewards. However, if you don’t have it, you can use condensed resin to reduce farming time. And to get double or double prizes from each round. READ ALSO: How to Get the ‘Gladiator Set’ in Genshin Impact

That’s how to get Prosperity in Genshin Impact. How? Easy isn’t it? Now you don’t need to be confused anymore. Or if you are still confused, please re-read the Gamexran guide carefully. READ ALSO: How to Get 5-Star Characters and Weapons in Genshin Impact

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