Phil Spencer: New Bethesda Game to be Exclusive for Xbox and PC
After completing various acquisition documents for ZeniMax Media, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said that the next Bethesda game would be exclusive to PC and Xbox only. This information is delivered directly by Phil via Xbox Wire.
What are the full details? Let’s read the following article to the end so you don’t miss the information.
Bethesda Exclusive Games for PC and Xbox

Through the Xbox Wire page, Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer shared some information regarding the game Bethesda will be working on. In addition, Phil also discussed the future of ZeniMax Media’s studios such as Arkane Studios, id Software, Tango Gameworks, and MachineGames.
Furthermore, Phill said that some games made by Bethesda will only be released exclusively for Xbox and PC. Unfortunately, Phill did not specify the title of the game that will be released exclusively.
The presence of the creative team from Bethesda means gamers should know that Xbox, PC, and Game Pass are great places for the studio, including a number of new titles that will be exclusive to Xbox and PC.
Reveals Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer via Xbox Wire
Phill’s words are actually quite reasonable. This can not be separated from the fact that Microsoft paid a high price to ZeniMax Media to have Bethesda under their control. Even so, Microsoft will not monopolize all existing games and also share them to other platforms.
Why is Xbox Series X Production Hugged?

When the console next-gen has been released a few years ago, many people are surprised to hear that the number of Xbox Series X and PS5 consoles is not too much. Aware of buyer concerns, Phil Spencer spoke about delaying production of the Xbox Series X.
To The Verge, there’s a reason why Xbox Series X production has been delayed. He said Microsoft is waiting for AMD’s technology to be incorporated into the console chip. It was also influenced by Microsoft’s business strategy of creating two new consoles to grow its community base.
Unfortunately, this delay leaves Microsoft slightly behind Sony in terms of production numbers. But Phil said that they had returned to producing the console in large numbers.
Currently there is an upgrade to the latest console from Microsoft. According to Phil, the company will continue to work on producing the console until next Spring. Microsoft will also be able to meet customer demand for the Xbox Series X.
In an interview released a few days ago, Phill did not provide details about what he would do with the AMD technology. But he did talk about the launch of the Xbox Series S, which has had an impact on manufacturing.
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