The Latest Funny, Funny, Cartoon, Funny Meme Pictures [GRATIS]
Funny Gokil Meme images have always been the target of Blackberry Messenger (BBM) application users who like to chat – change status. It is no secret that BBM is still a very popular instant messaging application in the community. Even from children to adults, many have used this application. BBM itself was actually popularized by RIM’s Blackberry smart phone devices. However, since the popularity of Blackberry declined due to the presence of Android and Android began to support the BBM application, finally this instant messaging application still survives as one of the most popular instant messaging applications, especially in Indonesia.

For users of the BBM application, Gambar Dp BBM Funny Gokil is a profile photo that is visible to contacts in your BBM. Every friend who changes his DP will definitely appear a notification of the change in the DP image so that friends or BBM contacts can immediately find out about the changes. Initially, the DP used for BBM was real photos of users and the various activities they did. But since the emergence of the latest funny memes that make you laugh, more and more people are replacing their dp with various kinds of these memes. The meme is used as a distraction when you are tired of using photos, looking for something different, or looking for words and pictures that are in accordance with the mood of the user.

Memes for BBM currently consist of various categories. There are memes that are intended for oneself, for self-motivation, words of wisdom, sarcasm for others, lamenting fate, romantic memes, rags memes, and of course many more. With so many memes, you can also change memes according to your needs and desires. Some of the most popular memes are funny memes for comments. Often you as a BBM user sometimes feel provoked to comment when your friends or contacts on BBM update their DP or status. To respond to this, one of the unique ways to respond is to use memes. The meme can be an image, text, or a combination of the two

The memes used to comment on this are hilarious. Especially if the supporting images used for the meme are funny characters, whether they are artists, beautiful girls, police, shamans, and even government figures, including the president. This meme is not only popularly used among BBM users, but also on other social media such as Facebook. Examples of these gokil memes are as follows:

Now, after knowing the example, you might be interested in using the meme when you want to express your opinion, comment, or respond without having to type in other words. Popular figures for this type of meme include SBY, the late Dono Warkop, Kemal, Ki Joko Bodo, police, beautiful girls, Jokowi, and others. Because the meme for sending comments is only in the form of short writing, then the meme is usually only general in nature or words that are sometimes not qualified. In addition to figures who become public figures, popular images used are images of animals such as monkeys, chickens, dogs, and many more. Because these comments are general in nature, it’s not uncommon to have meme wars between Facebook users. As a result, when you read it, it will make the reader smile because it is very funny

Besides memes for commenting, memes that are in great demand are funny Javanese memes. This is natural because these memes seem subtle but really ‘hit’ people who read them. The memes also cover various aspects of life so you can easily find the meme that best suits your condition, mood, or replies to comments for other users. Javanese memes are currently even more popular than other memes. The most widely used memes are a mix of images and Javanese words. In addition, there are also many Javanese memes whose language is still mixed between Indonesian and Javanese.
Besides memes in Javanese, there are other types of memes that are no less popular, namely funny Sundanese memes. As we already know, the most popular type of regional language in Indonesia besides Javanese is Sundanese. The language that is widely used by people in West Java is indeed not widely known by people outside the island of Java. However, the existence of this funny Sundanese-language meme is actually still very easy to understand so that anyone can use the meme. Even those of you who are not Sundanese can use these memes and know what they mean because most of these memes are a combination of images and text. In addition, the writings are also not pure Sundanese, because some of them are mixed with Indonesian
Meanwhile, another meme that is quite funny and always draws people’s attention is the Syahrini meme. How not, this blazing bright artist is a very iconic figure whose style and language always attracts the public’s attention. So it’s only natural that many of Syahrini’s styles or words are made into funny memes that are funny and unique. Syahrini’s photo poses used for the meme are also quite diverse. So far, quite a lot of people have used Syahrini’s memes. In fact, there are also many users who use the meme even though they are not actually fans of Syahrini.
Memes in the form of photos, moving images, and images with writing have certainly become commonplace. Therefore people want to find something different and more interesting to read. One option is funny comic memes. These memes are usually short stories in 2 to 5 pictures. The contents of the comics are varied, some are absurd, romantic, humorous, and many more. Some of the comics are in color and some are black and white. The images used are also different, there are human images that are just simple lines, cartoons, to strange illustrations.
In addition to the types of memes mentioned above, of course there are other types of memes that people use when accessing social media or instant messages. The presence of the latest funny memes makes people more flexible and comfortable to show their expressions in commenting or making statuses. Some of the examples of memes above, can also be an inspiration for those of you who want to find memes or change memes on BBM or comment on social media. Moreover, to get the meme is also free of charge alias free.
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