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This is the reason why Mixer was closed by Microsoft

the reason the mixer is closed

This is the reason why Mixer was closed by Microsoft – A report explains the reason behind Mixer’s recent shutdown.

Closed Mixer some time ago managed to surprise gamers around the world, especially the Mixer streamers themselves. Microsoft conveyed this reason through the official Mixer Twitter account some time ago. Says that Microsoft has cooperated with Facebook Gaming. Later streamers and viewers will be redirected to Facebook Gaming in July 2021.

With the collaboration with Faceboook Gaming, many people are wondering about the basic reason why a company as big as Microsoft had to close the live stream service. Meanwhile, Mixer is currently in the second position as the most popular live streaming platform after Twitch.

Reason Why Mixer is closed

If you are wondering why Microsoft was able to collaborate with Facebook Gaming or why they closed Mixer. A report shows Mixer is spending too much money to get some of the big streamers to move to their live streaming platform. This is the thing that made them finally fall and decide to cooperate with Facebook Gaming.

It is known that Mixer spends as much as $20,000,000-$30,000,000 to bring Ninja move to Mixer. Meanwhile, with that much money, Ninja only got 3.2 subscribers on Mixer. This figure is very different from the number of Ninja subscribers on Twitch which reached 15 million. From this number, we can clearly see that what Mixer did was not the right strategy.

the reason the mixer is closed

Also, after the Mixer founders left. It seems that the company has a moral problem that is not good. Two Mixer employees Wes Wilson and Milan Lee expressed their dissatisfaction with the performance of the Microsoft HR team. Having this issue proves that Mixer is struggling with their internal issues. The problems that have arisen are making Mixer difficult to exist or even impossible to challenge the live streaming giant Twitch.


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