Tips for Using Hero Mage Poke ML
Gameplay using Mobile Legends heroes varies depending on the hero role or hero skill. On this occasion Gamedaim will again share tips for using ML poke mage heroes.
For those of you who don’t know what poke is? Poke is a category of mage type that has great damage and cooldown skills in a short time. But to use this type of mage, you have to be careful so you don’t get into trouble. Well, here are tips for using mage poke ML.
Tips for Mage Poke ML Heroes
Disturb the Opponent’s Farming

Because it has a skill with large damage and a short CD, of course it is an advantage in the early game. you can take advantage of this advantage to interfere with farming enemies. When using skills you also have to keep your distance to avoid enemy ganks or enemy skills.
Mana Usage

Thanks to a short CD, of course, you will like spam skills, both for farming and disturbing your opponent. Continuous use of skills will make you quickly run out of mana during the early game. But you can overcome this by buying which regen item first or recall if the opponent disappears from the map or recall as well.
The Right Build

For item selection, you can combine items that have penetration magic, mana regen and CD reduction. These items will make the hero mage very deadly and annoying.
Hero Poke ML

If you’ve ever faced this one hero, you must have found it difficult to deal with it during the early game. Kagura has a skill with a considerable distance and painful damage.

This mage has 2 different types of attacks and painful damage. In addition, Lunox is also very reliable in escaping or chasing opponents. Using Lunox is also quite easy so it can be used by many players.

This one hero is indeed very annoying from the beginning of its release. In addition to a short skill CD, Pharsa also has burst damage and a wide and far range of skills. So Pharsa is very superior in the early game.
So, those are tips for using mage poke Mobile Legends. What do you think? Write your opinion in the comments column yes!
Well, that’s the information for Mobile Legends this time and for those of you who don’t want to miss information about the game world, don’t forget to keep updating information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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