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Tips for Using the Latest PUBG Mobile P90 and MK12 Weapons!

Tips for Using the Latest PUBG Mobile P90 and MK12 Weapons! The big update 0.19.0 from PUBG Mobile brings out lots of new and interesting features for players. A new Nordic themed Livik map, was also released with a maximum of 52 players and 15 minutes of gameplay. There is also a new monster truck vehicle that was added specifically to this map.

Maybe what the players are more interested in is the 2 newest weapons added in this big update, the SMG P90 and also the Marksman Rifle MK12, both weapons with high damage. Let’s look in more detail about the 2 newest PUBG Mobile weapons and tips on using them.

MK12 weapons

This MK 12 weapon is a Marksman Rifle which is quite powerful compared to weapons in the same category. MK12 uses 5.56 mm ammunition with 20 bullets which can be increased to 30. The damage is high for weapons that do not need to be obtained from the crate.

One of the reasons why MK12 should be used is very low recoil. Compared to the Marksman Rifle or other weapons, the MK12 has a very low recoil.

The MK 12 is suitable for medium and long range combat. So the combination of this weapon with the P90 or Uzi is very lethal but if you already have an AR like the M16 maybe don’t take this MK12. So players must use MK12 with a good scope attachment like 4x, to maximize this weapon.

ALSO READ: The Best Tips To Succeed in the New PUBG Mobile Livik Map!

Weapon P90

The P90 weapon is an SMG exclusive to the Livik map on PUBG Mobile. This P90 uses 9mm ammunition and has a large bullet content, 50. This weapon is arguably the middle of the Uzi and DP-28 weapons. It can easily kill enemies because of the large amount of ammunition and spray, but the reload time is very long.

For close combat, the P90 is very suitable and very painful to use. So the player as much as possible approaches the opponent and shoots the enemy in full auto while walking so that it is not easy for the opponent to target the player. By having a very high bullet content, the enemy will definitely spend their bullets first compared to P90 users.

Never use the P90 or SMG for long distances because the recoil is very high. But because SMG has a high rate of fire, and if players don’t just stand still while shooting, opponents who use AR will definitely lose.

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