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4 Injuries That Can Happen to Esports Athletes

Like athletes in classic sports, pro esports players/athletes are also at risk for injury. The result is also not playing you know. Just like athletes in general, if they get injured, it will definitely force the pro player to rest and not participate in the tournament. In severe cases, this injury can end an esports athlete’s career

Although there is no physical contact with opposing players, there are other things that can cause esports athletes to get injured. Let’s see what injuries can be experienced by esports athletes so that you can be more careful if you want to become an esports athlete!

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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This injury that usually occurs in the wrist has a unique name, you know, this disease is commonly known as “WASD Wrist”. This disease will give pain in the hands of the sufferer, besides this disease can also make the sufferer’s hands numb and reduce the patient’s ability to grip something.

The cause of this injury is the narrowing of the nerves in the arm that occurs due to repetitive movements and the position of the wrist is lower than the palm of the hand, the risk will be higher if the wrist is bent, a familiar position right? Now for those of you who don’t want to get injured, try to pay attention to the position of your hands on the keyboard from now on!

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Some of the pros who have experienced this injury are Ladislav “GuardiaN” Kovacs, the inactive player from Natus Vincere and the Swedish CS:GO legend Olof “Olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson.

Tennis Elbow

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Tennis Elbow is an injury that occurs in the elbow area. This injury causes pain in the forearm tendons that attach to the protruding bone at the elbow/end of the elbow when bent. This injury occurs due to excessive use of the elbow, causing the muscle to tear, in some cases inflammation can occur.

Well, from the explanation, usually this injury will occur in the hand holding the mouse. It’s no secret, the hand holding the mouse certainly moves more than the hand on the keyboard, this movement certainly puts more strain on the elbow muscles in the hand, thus increasing the likelihood of this injury.

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Clintoon “Fear” Loomis suffered this injury. Fear, who was the carry/mid lane of Evil Geniuses at that time, had to be willing to be absent from The International 4 because of this injury. Even though at that time Evil Geniuses and Fear were one of the forces that were predicted to dominate at TI4.

READ ALSO: Thomas Paparatto Gamers COD Retires at 25 Due to Thumb Injury

Back pain

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The most basic injury that can befall an esports athlete. This injury occurs because a person sits for too long or sits in an inappropriate position, besides that stress can also have an effect on making this injury worse.

The cause of this injury is the tension of the back muscles in a person, when these muscles are not tensed simultaneously, there will be a tug of war that will give a sensation of pain to the sufferer’s back.

This injury does not only occur in the back, in other cases, the patient also feels pain in the waist/lower back and neck and shoulders. How to avoid this injury is quite easy, you just need to adjust your sitting position and stand up and take a short walk every few moments.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

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RSI is a joint injury caused by tense muscles and nerves due to a physical activity that is carried out repeatedly/repetitively over a long period of time. Actually, RSI doesn’t just attack the arm, but in esports athletes, the arm is the part that most often performs repetitive movements so the risk is greater than other parts.

This injury causes pain in the affected areas, such as the wrist and fingers. To avoid this injury is quite easy, you only need to stretch for 5 to 10 minutes every hour. By doing other simple movements such as warming up, you can reduce your risk of developing an RSI injury.

So that’s roughly the risk of injury that lurks esports athletes. Although there is no visible physical contact, gamers are also at risk of injury like athletes in general. Therefore, if video games are your passion and want to become an esports athlete, to reduce the risk of injury, try to get enough rest, eat balanced, exercise and don’t force your body to keep playing if you’re tired!

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