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DotA 2 Tips for Beginners


It’s never too late to play the game Dota 2. Although you could say it’s no longer a new game, but Dota 2 is the game that gamers are most interested in to date. Especially for those who just “fallen” into this challenging game, I have a number of tips that can help you become a good and right player.

Lesson 1: Be Patience

When starting your first DotA 2 session, it is certain that gamers will hear a lot of discordant comments from teammates after seeing your performance. But don’t let all that discourage you, after all, those who are now good at it have also been newbies at first. Don’t ignore all the discordant voices, and only use messages to ask for help or provide information. If needed, tell your teammates that you are a newbie and they will understand. And it’s a good idea if you practice against Bots first to learn the gameplay of DotA 2, before jumping into real battles online.

Lesson 2: Learn How to Kill the Creeps


Newbie players usually allow your Hero to attack Creeps automatically, but if you want to be a reliable player then you have to learn to do last hits – wait until their health is critical then finish attack. This can ensure that your hero gets EXP and not your own troops, so we can level up the Hero quickly. Not only that, you also have to learn to get used to killing your Creeps if their health is critical, which will prevent your opponent from getting EXP. Oh, one more thing: don’t insist on attacking Creeps, especially when your hero is close to the opposing Tower!!

Lesson 3: Buying the Right Boots

Boots of Travel is an important item, but that doesn’t mean you have to buy it immediately at the beginning of the game – this is a mistake that is often made by newbies. Your main focus should be on buying stat-enhancing items like Iron Branch, Gauntlet Of Strength, Circlet and so on. But after getting 450 Gold, immediately use your money to buy Boots of Travel because in addition to increasing movement speed, we can change it into other items that match the characteristics of your Hero. Oh, you don’t have to go back to base to buy them as they are also sold at the Side Lane Shop, along with a number of other items to upgrade your shoes – except for Tranquil Boots and Boots of Travel.

Lesson 4: Always Have Some TP Scroll


After passing the first 15 minutes, the Town Portal Scroll aka TP Scroll becomes a must-have item for you – even better if we get Boots of Travel – because it can provide 2 big advantages. First, with the TP Scroll, we can reach the base faster to replenish health (press the key to Teleport 2 times to move to the base automatically), or avoid being chased by the opponent’s Hero. Second, with the help of this scoll you can reach other lanes more quickly, especially to carry out impromptu attacks on opposing heroes. The price is also relatively cheap and you can buy it easily, especially if we have mastered the tips for eliminating Creeps.

Lesson 5: Play Your Part

Now is the time to improve your skills. One important lesson you should learn is: each Hero has a specific role – for example Carry, Disabler, Support, Ganker – accompanied by a different way of playing. Carry is a weak type of Hero at the beginning of the game so it must be played carefully, but can become a formidable hero later on. This is of course with Support whose job is to “support” other team members so that they can finish off opposing Heroes or other purposes, through the various skills they have. Therefore, learning what role your chosen hero has is one of the main factors in winning the battle.

The easiest way to find out the role of your Hero is to look at the small icon next to it, although with the appropriate items we can change the role of your hero. But know that the rest of the team will expect you to do your job well; if you choose to be Carry, you are expected to dominate your opponent after some time, while by becoming Support you are assigned to buy Ward (Observer or Sentry), Smoke of Deceit, Animal Courier, or other items needed by other team members.

Lesson 6: Dominating Runes


Throughout the game, you certainly often see 2 power-ups in two different places, right? That is what is called a rune, and mastering its use can provide significant advantages, for example Double Damage which will increase attack power, Invisibility which can make your Hero disappear, and so on. Each Rune will respawn every 2 minutes so checking both places regularly (or installing a Ward nearby) is an important thing for you to do. The interesting thing is, you can store the rune in a bottle so that we can use it at a certain time, even though the storage duration is only 2 minutes.

Lesson 7: Small Things That Matters

Do you believe that some items, even though their functions look trivial, can actually have a big impact in battle? One of them is the Animal Courier which makes it easy for you to get items from the base, as well as the Ward, which – if placed in a number of strategic positions – allows you to know the situation in various blind spot areas. That way, you can reduce the risk of being ganged by the opposing team or find out the location of hidden heroes. If one of your Towers is destroyed, installing a Ward is a good choice so that you stay aware of the situation in the area.

Lesson 8: Distracting the Towers


Towers, even if they only attack one target, can be a serious threat to your Hero – especially early in the game. But it turns out that there is one unique method that you can do to “distract” the Tower, namely by pressing Right Click on your troop’s Creep or even your friend’s Hero who is near you!! By doing this, the Tower (and even the opponent’s Creep) will redirect their attacks to the new target, so you can destroy the Tower more freely. Oh, the same as killing Creeps themselves, we can also destroy your Tower that has critical health so as not to give EXP to the opposing team.

Lesson 9: The Importance of Detection Items


Detecting a hidden opponent or vice versa, hiding from the opponent’s view, has a great influence in winning the battle. Therefore, having Smoke of Deceit (removes units from view) or Dust of Appearance (reveals hidden units) is an important thing that you must do. You certainly don’t want to let opponents with high movements disappear from view, so they can attack you freely. On the other hand, by using Smoke, your Hero and allies will disappear, making it easier for you to do ganking without the enemy knowing – if they don’t have a Sentry Ward or Gem of True Sight of course.

Lesson 10: Fight Your Enemies on the Same Level

One of the mistakes that newbies often make is: attacking enemy heroes who are on higher ground. Why? Because besides the accuracy of your attacks being reduced by 25%, the fog of war makes it difficult for players to see the situation more clearly – unlike your opponent. So try to always fight enemies at the same height, or (if the situation is compelling enough) avoid fighting against enemies at high altitudes. But if you have enough money, buying Monkey King Bar can eliminate this problem because with this item you will get a 100% hit chance wherever you attack your opponent.

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