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Esports Gets Special Attention from the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the First Meeting of the 2019 Work Agenda

In the first leadership meeting of the work agenda for the 2019 fiscal year, after the 2018 Asian Games and 2018 Asian Para Games, Mr. Imam Nahrawi, Indonesia’s minister of youth and sports, said that our spirit must not slacken, after the excellent achievements in both events.

Instead, the existing optimism must be used as motivation in 2019 so that the entire agenda can run well. And what’s interesting about this Rapim, Mr. Imam Nahrawi said that he slipped a special message about Esports which is currently developing rapidly, both in Indonesia and in the world.

This information, delivered directly through the official Instagram of Mr. Imam Nahrawi.

As we know, a few moments ago, the Ministry of Youth and Sports met with the administrators of the Indonesian Esports Association or IeSPA, and listened to information about the development of Esports in Indonesia as well as reports from the 2018 Asian Games, where the Indonesian Esports team managed to become the second overall champion in Indonesia. Asia. In addition, the Ministry of Youth and Sports also listened to the preparation plans for Indonesian esports athletes to face the 2019 Sea Games in Manila.

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