IFGC 2017 Tournament Results, R-Tech Represents Indonesia to SEATAC
IFGC 2017 was successfully held at Spacemob Jakarta. From this event, R-TecH emerged as the champion and represented Indonesia in the SEATAC event which will be held at GameStart 2017, Singapore on 14 and 15 October 2017.
R-TecH itself is actually not a new name in the Tekken world. He has repeatedly entered the top three or won local tournaments during the Tekken 6 and Tekken Tag Tournament eras. Even at Jakarta Games Week 2017 yesterday, R-Tech faced Tanukana and had time to steal two rounds before finally having to lose in the next rounds.
In its journey, R-TecH has never lost once and has only conceded twice. The first was when they faced CJ in the last 16 and Leeyo in the final. Meanwhile, Leeyo had to fight first in the looser bracket after meeting Ubebe in the semifinals. Then Ubebe was sent by R-TecH to the looser bracket following Lee_yo.
The following are the results of all IFGC 2017 matches:
Tekken 7 SEATAC
– 2nd Place: Leonardo “Lee_yo”
– 3rd Place: Albert “Ubebe” Huberto
Gundam Versus Team 2 vs. 2
– 2nd Place: Team GVS (Priyo and Wahyu)
Street Fighter V
– 2nd Place: Kevin Mintaraga
– 3rd Place: Johannes Ardinata
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
– 2nd Place: Albert Huberto
– 3rd Place: Nouzhan Kharim
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