Easy Ways to Get Deer Hide in Valheim Game
Valheim is a Survival game that definitely features Combat elements. Because of these elements, players can easily make weapons, tools, and armor. But before making the Item, we must have the Material itself. On this occasion, we will discuss one of the Materials that we can get easily when we are still early in the game. Here’s an easy way to get Deer Hide in the Valheim game.
There are dozens of Materials that we can get in the Valheim game world. Some of these materials also have their respective functions. There are things that we can use to build structures, cuisine, weapons, and armor. Because it is still at the beginning of the game, making Items with Complex Materials will be quite complicated. This time we will show you the easiest way to get one of the simple materials that are very useful for making various Items in this game.
Yep, this material is skin from Deer (Deer Hide) which is very easy to get. Deer Hide has quite a lot of functions. In fact, sometimes we can combine this material with various other complex materials such as iron, wood, to stone. To get it sebernya very easy. All you need to do is hunt deer in the forest and savanna biomes. Because deer are fast animals, you have to use special techniques to hunt them.
Easy Ways to Get Deer Hide in Valheim

As we said before, to get Deer Hide, all you need to do is do some hunting. Deer are actually very easy to find. Usually he can run in various directions where you live. You can find it in the Forest and Savana area. Deer are animals that are quite safe for us to approach. He will not attack like the Boars that we often meet too. But to kill him is a challenge.

To do deer hunting, you have to find the location of the nearest deer and the situation must be calm. Next is to approach it by doing Stealth. To do Stealth, you can press the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard. But you need to remember, doing Stealth will eat up your Energy. So first make sure the yellow indicator on the character is full before doing this technique. If it’s close, then you can hit it with a weapon.
Some Deer Hide-Based Items
Here are some Items that you can Craft using Deer hide:
- Leather Helmet
- Parts leather
- Tunic leather
- Bronze Helmet
- Plate cuirass Bronze
- Plate leggings Bronze
- Spear Bronze
- Deer hide cape
- Dragr fang
- Finewood bow
- Huntsman bow
- Greaves Iron
- Iron Helmet
- Iron scale mail
- Crude bow (upgrades)
- Deer rug (building)
- Dragon bed (building)
- Forge bellows (building)
- Karve (building)
- Longship (building)
- Tanning rack (building)

That’s all our tips on how to easily get Deer Hide in the Valheim game. Hopefully these tips are useful for those of you who may be trying this game for the first time. If you are interested, you can play Valheim on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. For PC users, you can enjoy this game directly on the Digital Steam platform at a price of IDR 109,000. Don’t forget to also visit our review of this Valheim game.
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